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As usual President Trump was right about how badly America is being taken advantage of by other countries, and consequently disrespected. Since he began to campaign for the office of the President of the United States of America ,I have been constantly and pleasantly surprised at how much he really knows about what is happening in America and around the world.

During his recent international trip he spoke about how many other countries are taking advantage of America through trade deals that were bad for America. He even said that he did not blame them for doing a better job of negotiating trade deals than our State Department. Many of these countries also take economic advantage of America due to weak, or practically non- existent enforcement of Federal or state laws and regulations.  These problems were also aggravated by a Congress that totally failed to do its job and various Presidents’ inept administrations over regulating American industries and products while ignoring foreign products that were being dumped in the American marketplace. The CPSC (Consumer Product Safety Commission) and the EPA are prime examples of this.

Here are a few examples of bad trade deals and inadequate enforcement of Federal or state regulations that allowed other countries to openly take economic advantage of America:

Japan was one of the first countries to take economic advantage of America. They made really cheap products and “dumped them” into the American market place. At first this seemed like a good thing because Americans were getting things they wanted at low prices. But then people stared to realize that jobs were leaving America because of this overseas production. At one point the Japanese even developed their own line of earth moving equipment (bull dozers) and began to sell them here in America under the brand name “Komatsu”. The parts were actually inter-changeable with similar Caterpillar equipment!  After their initial steps into the America marketplace the Japanese did do one thing right. They began to invest in America and build their products here. However, that was only because their country is so small and lacking in resources that they had no other choice!

China is probably the country that has taken the most advantage of America economically. They took cheap copying of American products and then dumping them in the American market place to a much higher level than any other country had done before and continue to do it to this day. All you have to do to confirm this is look at the cheap Chinese illegal ATV and off road utility vehicles sitting in auto parts stores, pawn shops and anywhere else they can set up a “dealer”. I use the term dealer very loosely here because the “dealerships” are not legitimate nor or the products. These industries and products are supposed to be heavily regulated by Federal and state agencies but the Chinese product “dealerships” are blatantly operating without meeting basic, legitimate industry requirements. This has forced many legitimate dealerships to close and thousands of Americans to lose their jobs. It has also put many Americans, including children at increased risk of injury or death when they sell these machines to uninformed customers.

Weak anti-American deals and lack of enforcement of Federal and state regulations did not stop with trade deals. Everything the last Administration and several before him did was bad for America. The Bowe Berghdal deal, Federal Judges legislating from the bench, the Paris Climate Accord, and the Iran deal were all an embarrassment to America.

At this time there are 193 countries in the world. We give some sort of aid, financial or military to most of them. This included North Korea. For many years we were giving them large sums of money to “feed their starving people” in exchange for stopping their nuclear arms program. Instead of using the aid to feed their starving people they used it to expand their nuclear program and standing army.

President Trump could not be more RIGHT when he says, “PUT AMERICA FIRST”!

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