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I am not a Putin lover. I do not agree with his abusive, aggressive and repressive methods of ruling. However, I do not blame him or his government for the world’s ills any more than I blame Obama. That may be a toss-up! I do accept that there may be some involvement in hacking emails to obtain government secrets.

They may even be complicit in the information Wikileaks is sharing regarding Hillary’s unlawful email interactions and information storage. However: “What difference, at this point, does it make” if it is the Russians, Guccifer, the NSA, Barack Obama, Donald Trump or Dorothy and Toto who hacked the emails? It’s about the content, not who obtained it, how it was obtained or who shares it.

This is all distortion, distraction and misdirection. This finger pointing is typical liberal cookie theft. This is the Alinsky method taught to the upcoming socialists in the 1960s and 1970s; the politicians, teachers, and journalism professors of today.

I’m sure you remember the school yard bully who would come up from behind and excitedly yell, “Look, over there”. As the object child and those around looked off in the distance to see nothing, the bully would take off. Like him, the yummy chocolate chip cookie that mom lovingly baked would turn up missing. Everybody suspected who had done it but, because everybody was distracted, nobody could prove it. None the less, the cookie was gone.

The email scandal, like so many other administration crimes associated with it, is portrayed as some fault other than the actual perpetrator’s. It’s not Hillary’s or Podesta’s or Huma’s fault that this stuff was said or written. No, it’s the fault of the “Ruskies” and Wikileaks for receiving and sharing the nasty stuff. It’s also the fault of FOX News for talking about the leaked emails and other subjects that the MSM discards to protect their own.

And if you believe there is fraud in the election process, you must be un-American. That’s the kind of stuff that happens in dictatorships and banana republics, not in America.

You can’t believe anything coming from Project Veritas because James O’Keefe was prosecuted for presenting truth in a media universe otherwise devoid of it. He uses deceitful methods to garner the truth from deceitful lawbreakers. He then presents unedited questions and responses in video format similar to any broadcast news story.

ACORN, Planned Parenthood and the DNC don’t actually do the things their corporate heads, employees and contractors say they do because O’Keefe’s employees didn’t tell the personnel they were being taped. Thus, the left claims his videos are subject to question.

If we’re going to shoot messengers, it should be those who present lies and distortions for personal, corporate or political gain, not those who convey the truth. Give investigative journalism a break. Establishment news disseminators no longer bother with research and few expend the effort to even verify that which comes to them bundled.

Corruption is corruption even if the Russians find out about it and Wikileaks publishes it.


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