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Before the rise of Google, many people feared the rise of a mass surveillance state (Big Brother) Privacy laws like HIPAA, and DPPA, were passed to protect citizen’s privacy.

Everyone who owns a smartphone is now a source of data. Google knows where we work, shop, and who are friends are.

Every activity that we are involved with is being recorded by a search engine. This is very troubling for people who value privacy.

Our personal data is now used for marketing. Recently I started getting requests from Google asking me for information about every business that I had entered during the last two months. Google is watching me, watching all of us. I am not sure how comfortable I am with this invasion.

I can easily assume that data gathered from a smartphone will be used to inform authorities of purchases, social gatherings, friends etc. I also predict that Insurance companies, as well as police departments, may be alerted when smartphone users break the speed limit. 

Keep in mind that if whatever you are doing is nobody’s business turn off your phone or leave it at home.


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