The Mars Candy Co. is now cancelling its M&M’s cartoon “spokescandies” characters after several years of gayifying them to satisfy left-wing activists. But now they are canceling the whole ad campaign and are blaming conservatives for pushing back on its increasingly gay candy ads.
Several years ago, left-wingers began complaining that the company’s female cartoon “spokescandies” were too feminine and did not respect the radical gay agenda’s need to butch up.
Initially, the little cartoons representing the candies were all male-oriented characters. But to satisfy complainers from the left, Mars added female characters. But they made a fatal error. They gave some of the female characters high-heeled shoes and made them glamorous.
This overtly feminine take on the “spokescandies” upset the leftists even more than the all-male candies did. They wanted the high heels gone and “sensible shoes” given to the female cartoon candies (no really, they were mad about shoes on candy).
Then the company began making the candies gay with a “more inclusive” ad campaign where the female candies were lesbians. And just this year, Mars decided to float an all-female package that excluded its male candies altogether.
Naturally, people on the right had had just about enough of all this lunacy and several boycott movements formed.
Now Mars is putting an end to the spokescandies and blaming conservatives for daring to speak out against them.
The company has announced that the spokescandies are being replaced by actress Maya Rudolph.
A message from M&M'S.
— M&M'S (@mmschocolate) January 23, 2023
Notice that last line, showing that they are blaming intolerant conservatives for forcing them to cancel their spokescandies: “We are confident Ms. Rudolph will champion the power of fun to create a world where everyone feels like they belong.”
Folks, all this started when M&M’s bowed to the pressure of the left wingers trying to force them to turn everything gay. If they hadn’t done that, none of this would be happening.
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