Haters have to hate and, like thieves who see dishonesty in honest people, Democrats see hate in Republicans who bear no one malice. Liberals do not see Christians as being patriotic, forgiving, considerate, selfless givers of America who only lock their doors because they want to protect their families from foreign invaders and socialist fascism. They see them as dictatorial racist Nazis that want to keep the brown race oppressed and steal from the poor. This psychotic delusion was indoctrinated into their psyche in American schools by radical leftist activists. The Left has used America’s naïveté and guilting the gullible into allowing them to infiltrate our educational system to corrupt the young. That’s why they want the voting age lowered to 16 to enable naïve kids to tell adults how to run things when they don’t understand how the world works. They believe the scam that taking guns away from law-abiding citizens will stop the school shootings that liberalism has fostered. If they want the age of gun ownership to be raised to 21 because the young are too immature to handle firearms then the voting age should likewise be raised to 21 because the young are too irresponsible to handle the vote. Only those who serve in the military should be enabled to buy firearms and vote from age 18.
Democrats are the party that have always been for the opposite of liberty. They balkanize American society into conflicting dysfunctional groups all with animosity toward Christian white men. They are the party that insisted slavery be instated in the Constitution. They are the people who wanted a king rather than a president. They are the party of racism, segregation, and the KKK. They are the party that promotes welfare voter slaves to live as indigents off of working taxpayers. They are the party that endorsed socialism in the 20th century and now champion Islam in the 21st century. Islam, of all things! The death cult of Muhammad dedicated to the anti-Christian god Allah. (For atheists, no, Allah is not the Father of Jesus as any Muslim will attest, though they do claim he is the God of Abraham, hence the confusion.) The ideology that has spent the last fourteen centuries waging war against all the governments and religions of the world to establish itself by force as the one all-powerful creed through the radically violent fanaticism of Jihad. A populace brainwashed five times a day to all behave exactly the same way is easy for an elite rulership to control which is what makes it so attractive to socialists. If you want to know why the Spanish developed the Inquisition and the Sicilians developed the Mafia both can be traced back to their centuries of control under Moslem conquerors. If you wonder where Marx got his ideas of how a socialist society should be operated wherein the masses are ruled by the elites he, too, learned from Muhammadism. His flaw is that he thought he could enforce such control without religious fanaticism of a “fantasy god” by making people fanatic slaves to the state. But the old pagan ways like the Egyptian Pharaohs who ruled as deities wouldn’t fly with modern peoples. However, keeping people ignorant and enthralled as is done in Moslem countries still works very well. Islam, contrary to what propagandists try to teach, did not bring civilization to the West, but sucked it out of the Middle East and North Africa. It was the Romans that were the advanced civilization that Islamic and Arian brutality stomped out. Not surprisingly, it is these two cultures that developed the most socialist and brutal dictatorships the world has known. In the 21st century the only governments that have used poison chemical weapons to exterminate people have been the Communists, Nazis, and Islamists. It is the descendants of the Romans who embraced Christianity that abhorred and refrained from the use of poison gas on innocent peoples while the Left has always embraced genocides as a means of controlling populations.
How liberals demonize Christians in their minds to justify genocide
Democrats are conducting a persecution witch-hunt to destroy Trump and his supporters. They will take any information from the Cohen raid and leak it out of context in order to poison the public’s perception of President Trump. There was no legal right to do this, but liberals always justify their crimes by the propaganda they can produce. Disgraced FBI Director Comey says the American people are “duty bound” to vote Trump out of office based on his accusations, not proof, just the opinion of a deeply flawed self-righteous hypocrite, that Donald Trump “immoral.” When the people do not then Comey will pronounce those people to be Nazi fascists endorsing the new Hitler, and that is how Democrats will condemn the Christian Right to justify their genocide.
Cardinal Comey the Two-Faced Liberal Saint
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