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Among the violence of today, the hate, the cries of racism spat out with racist hatred at everyday folk lingers a question. Should we prevent Liberals and Left Agitators from saying as they are, and doing as they do?

And. Would it help our nation if we did?

Today, Liberals are hellbent on driving our USA into the flames of chaos. They seek the destruction of Rights, the Constitution, and abiding by the Law.

And truly hate Equal Justice for all.

But loathe Freedom of Religion more than anything else.

I ask my question simply because Liberals/Socialist have been doing the above for many decades. But they hid their actions from public view. And because those actions took place in secrecy, many of us did not notice the coming effect—chaos.

Though we must turn the tide of this war we’re in, their Liberal dream of a Socialist Communist USA, would it not help the good people of our Nation, those people of all political persuasions, to see the Left agenda playing out across the landscape of our TV sets every day?

We would come to know them better than we already do. Their followers would begin to see what they are actually doing. Those followers outside the hardcore haters are unlikely to give this attempt at conquest their blessing.

Without doubt the attempted conquest in progress will fail as has every other Communist State throughout history. I’m in not mindset to wait that long for a return to our Constitution and Rule of Law.

So, it may be worth our while to simply watch and take notes of the public performance of violence and hatred and the utter racist mindset that their actions display. We can instead demand of your elected Officials, and request from our current White House and President, that actions under the laws of this Land kick in to ferret out those who commit crimes in their ‘crusade’ against someone else’s apparent history of racist behavior.

For myself, I’ve set out on the path to a New Political Civilization. My starting point is a book titled Once-Other. There are those who love it. There are those who fear and hate it.

But why would I write a book such as this?

What is happening today proves that what our Founders created for us can be undermined by careful erosion over a longish period of time. And with Public Education and Higher Levels of Education now populated by Liberals, it’s no longer a given that our Founder’s vision will prevail.

It is important for us, our children and theirs, that our Founder’s creation live on and shine its Rights across these United States of American. And then the rest of the World may partake of such Rights but each in their own way and no one forced to do so.

And so, we’d start a movement of and by the People. One that does not demand we ask permission to do so. We can, and legally so, simply begin by working at the lowest level of our political spectrum—with We the Voters. From that power-base of good people will come the New Political Civilization.

What’s happening right now in the Political arena proves that we are midst a hostile takeover.

One that we must overcome.

And doing so is what Once-Other is all about.

And mine is a voice calling from out the darkness of an oppression ready to boil over and destroy all that we’ve achieved these centuries past. And should we lose it the fight to return our Rights could be a long and hard fought battle.

I certainly hope not for I much prefer #Rights4ever to simply continue.

Lawrence M. Nysschens

Once-Other is at all online stores.

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