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Islam is a septic, twisted and demented ideological maelstrom that is incapable of reform, and it has disseminated its own particular brand of hate, intolerance, dissent, division and violence in every nation that has opened its doors to Muslims, who deny the theological warrant for violence and intolerance embedded in Islam’s religious texts. It is not a religion of peace, as history and current events detail, and the terrorist murderers from Al Qaeda, Boko Haram and the Islamic State quote the same Koranic verses that every Muslim in the world considers sacrosanct; in totality, all the factual evidence shows that Islam is the antithesis of freedom, constitutional governance and liberty, and America should close her doors to Islam and Muslims permanently.

Approximately 70% of Muslims in America and Europe follow fundamental Islamic traditions and cultural adaptations, and over 50% of Muslims worldwide, about 800 billion, affirm all or a significant portion of the Koran’s teaching on violence. This includes theologically sanctioned violence aimed at blasphemy, adultery, apostasy and any perceived insult against family “honor” or Islam.

Throughout Islam’s history, several attempts towards “islah”/ reform and “tajdid”/ renewal were witnessed. Many of these ended in the manner of Ahmad ibn Taymiyyah of Damascus (1263-1328), who died in prison after trying to modify Islam’s “fiqh”/ jurisprudence. One other, Muhammad ibn Abd al Wahab (1703-92) was a “reformer” who aimed his efforts at doctrinal purity; his vision became the virulent Wahhabi sect of Islam, that controls most of Sunni Islamic thought today and advocates violent methods to make Islam supreme across the entire world.

Secular attempts to reform Islam have largely failed, because they were not sanctioned by the top clerics of Islam: Mustafa Kemal enraged Muslims in Turkey and everywhere else by abolishing the Ottoman sultanate on November 1st 1922, which resulted in the Khilafat Movement and an effort to protect the caliphate. And today we see Pres. Tayyip Erdogan supporting the Islamic State covertly and restoring Turkey’s fundamental Islamic heritage and Sharia law to the heart of public life in finance, legislation and education.

Likewise, Sha Mohammed Reza lost support from the Shia clergy of Iran, largely due to his strong policies regarding secular government and modernization. This paved the way for the January 17th 1979 revolution and Ayatollah Khomeini’s rise to power; Khomeini would later offer his convoluted reasoning that suggested Islamic government, the theocratic state __ the mother of all totalitarianisms, was constitutional.

Khomeini saw government as the vehicle of divine law and divine rule, which Allah had delegated to the Prophet. In December 1987 Khomeini stated: “The government is empowered to unilaterally revoke any lawful agreement … if the agreement contavenes the interests of Islam and the country. It can prevent any matter, whether religious or secular, if it is against the interests of Islam.”

Some small hope can be placed in recent calls from reformers, such as Dr Zuhdi Jasser, Irshad Manji, Asra Nomani ( December 4th) and Aayan Hirsi Ali (March 20th), who have all outlined plans for the reformation of Islam. One should also note Egyptian President Sisi’s call for reform, as he told Egyptians on January 22nd 2015 that “the Islamic world is being torn, it is being destroyed … by your own hands.”

And in February of 2015, Sheik Ahmed al-Tayeb, the Grand Imam of Al Azhar University (leading cleric), called for a reform of Islqamic teaching on the first day of a counter-terrorism conference in Mecca. This is only significant if the lesser clerics act in favor of Sheik Tayeb’s suggestion.

However, with so much of Islam grounded in the literal translation of Koranic verses touting Islam’s supremacy and Mohammed’s infallible nature, any of the proposed reforms will be seen as an attack at the heart of Islam and the Shahada itself, which states: I bear witness that there is no God but Allah and Mohammed is his messenger.” At least 109 other verses command Muslims to war with the infidels for the sake of Islamic rule, and these verses are still followed by the greatest majority of Muslims.

Muslim (1:33) _ “the messenger of Allah said: I have been commanded to fight against people till they testify that there is no god but Allah, that Mohammed is the messenger of Allah.”

Bukhari (52:256) _ “The Prophet … was asked whether it was permissible to attack the pagan warriors at night with the probability of exposing their women and children to danger. The Prophet replied, ‘They are from them’.

Tabari 9:69 _ “Killing Unbelievers is a small matter to us.”

Some American Muslims might accept [reforming] “the core ideas that inspire political Islam” and [condemning] “violent jihad”, in the manner described by Dr Jasser of the American Islamic Forum for Democracy, but the overwhelming majority of Muslims across the earth will recoil in revulsion, disgust and anger from such proposals. This overwhelming majority of Muslims accept the literal translation of the Koran, and they believe the Koran is the final and perfect manifesto of God’s will; even so-called “educated” people, like the failed Times Square Bomber, the Islamofascist terrorists in Chattanooga and San Bernadino and Al Qaeda leader Dr Ayman al Zawahiri, fall within this group.

By accepting such reforms, Muslims would be sticking a knife into the heart of Islam. In essence, these reforms call for Muslims to kill Islam.

From the highest levels of Islam, the top “qadis”/ judges, their consultants/ “muftis” and the “ulema”/ religious scholars to CAIR, the average Muslim around the world and the idiot U.S. Congressman – Keith Ellison, the apologists for Islm continue to nsist that Islam is “a religion of peace and tolerance.” But, my own lying eyes tell me otherwise, as I observe that Saudi Arabia outlaws Christian churches and Jewish synagogues, Pakistan executes critics of Islam, most Islamic nations imprison anyone celebrating Christmas, Iran hangs homosexuals, and last year 70% of all fatalities in armed conflicts worldwide were a result of Islamic inspired wars (International Institute for Strategic Studies).

The laws and cultural practices of other nations deserve respect and tolerance only in so far they themselves are respectable and tolerant. We cannot accept any form of oppression in the name of cultural tolerance, and we cannot accept codified child abuse, oppression of women and murder under the color of any law.

America has already suffered too much from Islam’s intrinsic evil and violence. Why would any sane person allow more Muslims entry to America or the expansion of the anti-American ideology of Islam __ the death cult of the Anti-Christ?

In my lifetime, I’ve seen Muslims rejoicing over the murders of innocents on 9/11 and every terror attack against America, since that time. I’ve seen Muslims conceal information that would have prevented the Boston Bombing and the attack in San Bernadino. I’ve witnessed American middle school children intimidated into emulating Muslims, and I am now seeing Congressional Democrats attempting to pass  a blasphemy law (HR 569) to appease Muslims. I have witnessed the horrible bloody violent truth at the core of Islam, from Cyprus and Pakistan and Bangladesh and Algiers and Lebanon to Iran and Serbia and Russia, and much of Eastern and Western Europe, and on to Iraq, Libya and Syria, and so-called “allies” like Pakistan (aids Haqqani and Taliban), Turkey (aids Islamic State) and Saudi Arabia (aids Taliban and Islamic State) actually aiding our enemies in far too many instances.

This is a record that demands more than a simple accounting or retribution from proponents and agents of Islam or “diplomatic conferences” and negotiated peace. America must encourage the decline of Islam, as it is now configured, within Her borders, by halting all Muslim immigration and utilizing forceful countermeasures to defeat any Islamic political adventurism focused on subverting and abrogating our U.S. Constitution. America must defeat the islamofascists and Islam abroad more definitively than the Allies defeated the Ottoman Empire, with or without the Western nations, through political, military and any other necessary means; defeat them so definitively that they beg for relief from the spilling of Muslim blood, and they quit their efforts to harm us and content themselves within the confines of a (renewed? _ modernized? _ civilized?) Middle East of their own making. America must take this course to avoid the complete islamification of our country and a certain bloodier future, since the Islamic world will never totally reject the imposition of Islam’s ideology by the sword.

Whether “Islam is at a crossroads” or not, I don’t give a damn. Let Allah sort it out, if they really hate living so much. Let Allah sort it out, if they hate modernization, secularism, civilization and Westerners. Let Allah sort it out if they wish to die in various internecine battles between Shia and Sunni sects or by the hands of Western forces; they can do what they want, so long as they do it over there and no longer harm Americans and Christians here and abroad. And let Allah sort it out if they reject peace and wish to be isolated from the civilized world.


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