The Left’s Open Hatred for America is Getting Louder and more Dangerous!
Over the last few months I have written and published a number of detailed articles about how irrational and unreasonable the Left’s hatred for America and anything “Conservative” has become. As I wrote each article I wanted to think that these public displays of hatred had peaked and we would begin to see an increase in public displays of patriotism. Since the November 2016 election we have seen a steady increase in public displays of patriotism, but unfortunately the hope that public displays of hatred for America had peaked was “wishful thinking”.
Here are just a few recent examples of irrational, unreasonable and public displays of open hatred for America:
- An ESPN anchor went on a twitter tirade calling President Trump and his supporters “White Supremacist”. ESPN’s response was to issue a statement that “Jemele Hill had been counseled”. However when an anchor said something negative about Liberals on twitter in the past he was fired immediately.
- Democrat Representative Luis Gutiérrez called General John Kelly, a retired Marine Corps General, who is now President Trump’s Chief of Staff – a “disgrace to the uniform he used to wear” for standing by while Trump rescinded protections for undocumented immigrants who arrived as minors. General Kelly has served this country honorably for over 40 years!
- Missouri state senator Maria Chappelle-Nadal posted on Face Book that, “I hope Trump is assassinated” and then refused to apologize when called out about it. In fact, when she was asked why she refused to apologize by a talk radio show host she went on another angry rant about how bad Trump is!
- Jennifer Lawrence, Michael Moore and other self-appointed “Hollywood geniuses” publicly said that the hurricanes were karma for the states that were hit so hard because they voted for Trump!
- On September 11 and 12 Congress unanimously passed a resolution condemning “white supremacist” groups and urging President Trump to strongly condemn these hate groups. The resolution referred to all hate groups and urged that they be labeled as “domestic terrorist groups”. While the KKK and Neo –Nazi groups were specifically referred to there was no mention of Antifa, BLM, Black Panthers, By Any Means Necessary or any other groups like them? The resolution was allegedly inspired by the “white supremacist” violence in Charlottesville, with no mention of Antifa and BLM (who were by far the most violent people in Charlottesville). Congress spent part of two days on this resolution while they are quickly running out of time to pass any desperately needed meaningful legislation?
- George Clooney is moving his family back to America because it is getting too dangerous to live in their (heavily guarded) Italian villa. No explanation as to why it is getting too dangerous to live there? He is typical of the Left’s “elite” who can afford to live in gated communities with armed security, or even have their own private armed security staff, but yet he insist the rest of us should not be allowed to own guns!
- Self-appointed “Hollywood Elites” used a hurricane fund raising telethon to loudly rant against climate change deniers. The Left refuses to acknowledge that scientific data indicates that there has NOT been any measurable change in the earth’s temperature in 18 years and the polar bear population is actually increasing. Plus the failed predictions (by supposed climate experts, who are still highly paid public speakers) that New York City and other coastal cities would be under water in the 1990’s!
- Liberals are posting disgusting comments on internet articles and social media about Eric Bolling’s son dying. Here is one of the disgusting examples, “Eric Bolling is out there spewing venom every day. Payback is best served dead!”
Where are the Democrats and the Main Stream Media in their condemnation of these open acts of hatred for America? Many of these acts are actually treason! Where are the repercussions and consequences for these criminal acts (I think they are coming soon).
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