Illegal alien Christian Bahena Rivera murdered Molly Tibbets and the event may well be the key to the mid-term elections as it is exposing the ugly insanity of the liberal faction of American politics today. It is an amazing story when all the elements are considered:
Christina Greer, a Professor at Fordham University, teaching “Black Ethnic Politics,” on MSNBC callously dismissed Mollie Tibbetts as “a girl in Iowa that only Fox News is talking about.” Then falsely claimed Fox News didn’t cover Paul Manafort’s tax-fraud conviction or Michael Cohen’s plea deal for bank fraud.
However, Fox News led their 5 p.m. news coverage with the Manafort trial and discussed the Tibbetts murder, then covered the Michael Cohen plea deal, in that order.
Fox News unlike CNN or MSNBC reported domestic violence accusations immediately on Democratic Congressman Keith Ellison, the Vice Chairman of the DNC and now a candidate for re-election in Minnesota.
CNN and MSNBC have yet to cover the story of Kino Jimenez, a burly 30-year-old man’s assault of a teenager for wearing a “Make America Great Again” hat!
Mollie Tibbetts was a 20-year-old Iowa college student abducted and murdered by illegal alien Christian Bahena Rivera from Mexico while she was jogging. A surveillance camera recorded the abduction facilitating Rivera’s arrest.
Mollie, like Kate Steinle, Jamiel Shaw, Brandon Mendoza, and other girl victims, document the need for border security, a border wall, and underscore the crucial work ICE does to protect Americans from criminal illegal aliens who are often Mexican criminals who fled prosecution, seeking, and getting, asylum here in return for voting for Democrats. It is just that simple, but we must add that some Republican businessmen want these people here illegally so they can crush their wages, pay them in cash and duck taxes. May they go to Hell.
Fox News has been following the Tibbetts case since it broke in July and has interviewed family members, who pled for Mollie’s return while major media could not be bothered. The Tibbetts case was an ongoing story that Fox alone covered at all, but well.
Most shocking, Zeke Miller, a liberal Associated Press reporter thought Mollie’s death was funny, joking about it on Twitter. BizPac Review previously reported, Zeke Miller falsely reported President Trump had removed a bust of Martin Luther King Jr. from the Oval Office when he worked for Time magazine, gleefully tweeting the fake news on January 20, 2017, President Trump’s first day in office. Miller’s bogus report was published by Time magazine and other liberal media. However the report was false, the MLK bust had never been removed. Miller quietly tweeted a correction and the mainstream media ignored the retraction.
Meanwhile, the major media continue to report, “Illegal aliens commit less crime that our citizens!” But, an Arizona law enforcement study reveals illegal aliens commit 145% more felonies, as a group than American citizens. Arizona is at the leading edge of this controversy, but this fact is not well known nor is it likely to be.
If the Democrats take the House the advances of the Trump Presidency will come to a grinding halt. He will be able to stop them too with his veto power, but the equities markets will fall deeply and the prices of precious metals will go “through the roof.” Silver is set to make the greatest advances as the mines are running out, solar panels use 20 grams per and they are becoming more popular. As well there are other uses where for gold there are few so gold has a built-in ceiling where silver does not. I frankly have never understood the passion for gold. It is pretty, but rather useless.
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