For many Americans they state that they follow the evangelical leaders, but are these leaders on the right side of the Christian Bible? Are they truly following the word of God, or just trying to stop one that they dislike more than another? Goad teaches us to hate the Sin, but love the sinner. Would that mean we condone the sin by supporting the sinner in those sinful acts? Not that we need a priest, or minister as our POTUS, but do we need an adulterer, liar, thief, spousal abuse, and more?
Many evangelical leaders need to read the word of God, and understand that first there was the Word, then then there was God, and God came to earth in the form of flesh. Nowhere in the Old Testament, nor the New Testament does the word state to accept sin, by way of endorsing the sinner and his actions. I believe several evangelicals have lost their way in return for the power of a large “church” or congregation.
Several well educated and well known psychologist have stated that Donald Trump is the epitome of a Sociopath with a malignant personality disorder. These are conditions that need severe assistance and mental health persons to work years to bring that under control, and it is not a situation where the potential POTUS would be stricken with the disorder.
Glibness, and superficial charm, added to a manipulative and cunning personality. We can add in grandiose sense of self and pathological liar. If this is added to a hazardous disregard for the law and rights of others added to the lack of remorse, shame or guilt we can find the sociopath coming out very loudly. Remember these are also all characteristics of another well-known leader in world History from the 1920s to the 1940s.
Donald seeks power and control over others as an outcome, while having an impulsive behavior to lash out immediately and has a callous nature and no empathy for others. We can add in promiscuity and infidelity to the list, and we can see that if one believes in following the path of Godliness or Sin, one can make an easy argument for a very sinful nature.
Donald Trump shows an extreme narcissism and pretentiousness, while being a vicious and violent bully. Knowing these were the qualities that makes Donald Trump tick, how could one trust him to run our country, have his finger on the button, and for that fact, even take a real estate or other course that he promises a great outcome. Donald has a long history of storytelling, changing positions, changing parties, and making up lies to gain power, strength, and wealth. What parent would want to see their child emulate these qualities?
Donald once stated “Whenever I am making a creative choice, I try to step back and remember my first shallow reaction. The day that I realized it can be smart to be shallow, was for me, a deep experience.” This is the person who has spoken that his intentions are shallow, and that shallowness is a deep experience for himself.
I do not believe that anywhere in the Bible, does God teach shallowness as a good trait, one to emulate, or support. No, evangelical leaders are wrong, and Donald is wrong when he follows Satan’s path, and not that of God.
Constitutional Christian Conservatives, will you stand up strong and demand your state’s delegates vote for a true moral, ethical, and integrity driven nominee, or will you sit by quietly and let a moral and ethically bankrupt nominee to destroy the Conservative movement that so many have fought in the halls of Congress for the last 12 years to gain our country back? Where will you be when the question is asked, “What did you do to stop the morally and ethically bankrupt Trump from being elected the nominee for the Republican Party?”
Tags: Bible Christianity Donald Trump God
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