Immigration, sanctuary cities, counties, states, President Trump’s choices for Cabinet Secretary and other appointed Federal Government positions and a constant message of hate and destruction are just a sample of how wrong they are on “everything”!
There are two “immigration problems” in America, legal and illegal. Illegal immigration into the US happens two ways. One is legal immigrants who become illegal when they overstay their visa or do not use their visa for the purpose it was issued. One example is people who come here on a student visa but instead take jobs from Americans, usually at lower wages than would be paid to an American. In fact legal immigration has become so corrupt and mismanaged that some experts on the subject believe that the majority of the illegal immigrants in America originally came here legally. I am confident that the Trump Administration will FIX this problem!
The “legal immigration problem” is just as bad (or worse) for the American middle class as illegal immigration is. Our corrupt government system is letting the wrong people in and keeping the people we need out, This is done systematically to satisfy big money donors like Google, Face Book and other companies like them who want to replace high tech American workers with foreign workers who work for a lot less than the Americans they replace, and are NOT provided with company benefits like assistance with health insurance or retirement plans. These companies spend millions of dollars annually on campaign contributions, lobbyist and public relations campaigns insisting they need more visas for high tech workers, “to be competitive on the world market which benefits all Americans”. Meanwhile the labor that is desperately needed to harvest crops, and consequently keep food cost down for everyone in America that is struggling to put food on the table, are systematically passed over for work visas in favor of the high tech workers noted above. I am confident that the Trump Administration will FIX this problem!
Sanctuary cities, counties, states:
The “sanctuary” concept began with some cities choosing to function as “sanctuaries” for what they referred to as “undocumented immigrants”. Now we have cities, counties and states that have formally declared they are “undocumented immigrant sanctuaries”, all run by Democrats of course. The “leaders” of these sanctuaries actually stand before local and national TV cameras and indignantly declare that being a declared “sanctuary” actually makes their residents safer! Here are two well documented, heart breaking cases that prove otherwise:
Kate Steinle was killed in a random act of violence while standing on a pier overlooking the San Francisco bay with her father. Her father held her while she died begging him to help her. She was pregnant with her first child. Her murderer was Francisco Lopez Sanchez. He had been deported five times and had numerous drug convictions. He had recently been released from Federal prison to Customs Enforcement who then turned him over to the San Francisco County Sheriff Department. Instead of holding him for deportation the Sheriff Department released him. He randomly gunned Kate down with a stolen gun while high on drugs.
Edwin Ramos was an illegal from El Salvador and member of the violent Mara Salvatrucha (MS-13) gang. He had a long criminal record (including felony weapons charges). In June 2008 in what can only be described as an act of unprovoked violence he murdered Tony Bologna and his two sons while they were sitting in their car at a traffic light in San Francisco. It is important to note that this was an MS13 gang member and it happened in 2008. Based on AG Sessions’ and DHS head Kelly’s recent press conferences MS13 activity is now approaching national emergency status.
The truth is that the real reason Democrats support sanctuary areas is for illegal votes and cheap labor. In some cases they do not even try and deny the “voter issue”. In New York City, California and a growing list of other places illegals are actually issued driver’s licenses, which they can use to vote by simply declaring that they are a U.S. citizen at the polls. In some places people who are issued driver’s licenses are automatically registered to vote. Many Democrats deny illegals are voting but it has been documented in some places and Obama actually encouraged it when he was campaigning for Hillary. In some cases people who are issued visas to come here legally are automatically given a pathway to citizenship for themselves and their family members. Do you want to bet on which party all these people vote for?
As I have written in the past it is obvious that Democrats all get out of bed every morning with an e-mail, text or phone message providing their talking points and “marching orders” for the day. President Trump’s choices for Cabinet Secretary and other Federal Government leadership positions are a constant target of the Democrat’s disgusting talking points. The Democrats regularly stand before local and national TV cameras and talk about how “Trump is expanding the swamp, not draining it by filling so many positions in his administration with Wall Street Fat Cats”. In fact the opposite of the Democrat talking points is true. The Trump Administration has the most qualified, accomplished and patriotic Cabinet Secretaries and Department Heads I have seen during all the decades I have been following national politics. None of the Trump appointments needed the job and some publicly said they did not want it! They were personally asked to serve in order to help “make America great again”, and stepped up to help do that at great personal expense to themselves and their families.
And my final points in this article are about the absolutely disgusting Democratic Party “leadership”. Here are four specific examples of Democratic leaders who are text book examples of people who are “deranged”:
Senator Warren, who is already openly ramping up her 2020 Presidential run, changed her personnel records when she was a law school professor to indicate that she was 1/64 Cherokee to get minority status. The claim was publicly rejected by the leadership of the Cherokee Nation and certified genealogist. Her public explanation for doing that was embarrassing, and totally ignored by the MSM (Main Stream Media). She and her husband bought distressed properties during the housing crisis and resold them at a profit (a practice she has publicly ranted against President Trump for doing).
Senator Sanders, an avowed Socialist, just finished a 10 day speaking tour promoting an American revolution. This from a man who has never accomplished anything other than getting elected to various public offices in an extremely Liberal state, and getting rich along the way (he now owns three homes. Two of them are expensive vacation homes)!
And next let’s look at Tom Perez. He is the newly elected head of the Democrat National Committee (DNC). At one point in his professional career he was the President of a radical communist group funded by George Soros and Hugo Chavez. The rest of his entire professional career has been spent frantically working (in Democrat Administrations) at destroying America. How this guy has managed to remain “under the radar” for so long is astonishing to me? He is, by any definition, a seditionist at best and a traitor at worst. He is an anti-white people, racist communist, who was appointed to powerful positions in the Clinton and Obama Administrations. In these positions he did things like sue the city of Jacksonville, Fl. because black fire fighter applicants got lower scores on application test then white applicants, had his own Hillary like illegal e-mail set up while he was Obama’s Secretary of Labor, supports complete amnesty for Illegals, and a long list of other radical anti-American positions. He is now on a long profanity laced speaking tour promoting everything anti-trump and anti-America. His first act after getting elected DNC Chair was to appoint Keith Ellison, his main opponent in the Chairman race as his assistant.
Keith Ellison is an avowed Muslim Congressman from Minnesota that took his oath of office on the Koran. He has a Muslim name, Keith Hakim that he used to publish articles while he was in college demanding that all white people pay all black people slave reparations. His extreme radical history includes trips to radical Muslim countries and membership in radical Muslim organizations.
I did not think it was possible but Perez and Ellison represent a Democrat Party leadership that is even more Un-American than Obama!
I have researched, written and published a number of detailed articles about everything I have touched on here. You can read all my articles on my website
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