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I was a “Never Trump” guy for a matter of only days, during the Republican primary for many good reasons, that remain true and valid today. But DAMN. Come on people. All of you are out there proclaiming your Conservative and Christian principles and your love for America, but you are sitting quietly by, even now, and watching Her be destroyed before your very eyes. Conservative principles are great. I’m every bit as conservative as any of you, probably more so, however, if you really need this explained to you, here goes.
98% of all news reports on Trump over the past three months, according to a recent Harvard study, have been negative.
What does this tell You?
Concerning the Trump-Russia Scandal, initially beginning as a counter-intelligence investigation into Russia hacking the election, there is ABSOLUTELY NO EVIDENCE OF “COLLUSION” between Trump and the Russians. Aside from this fact, he is the President and he is empowered to speak to foreign heads of State on any issue by right of being Our President; if you seek real collusion, just look at when Obama was caught on an open mike, on March 26th 2012, telling the Russian President to wait until after the election, and he could “be more flexible”. Just look at Hillary Clinton’s deals to give away the majority of America’s uranium resources to Russia, as Secretary of State.

Still Trump was acting accordingly, when he fired FBI Director Comey, because Comey was compromised from his affiliations with Clinton; he accepted $6 million from the Clinton Foundation, when he was CEO of Lockheed, and he mishandled the Clinton investigation into her handling of Top Secret and Classified information, trying to play both sides of the fence. Trump had to fire him.

If James Comey believed President Trump was really trying to influence his investigation into Gen. Micheal Flynn, when the President asked if he “could let it go”, then why did hid he wait three months to bring it up, and only after he was fired? Why is this memo, yet to be seen, just now being mentioned? If this memo exists, then James Comey’s ethical behavior once again comes under scrutiny.

Comey evidently didn’t really believe that President Trump was trying to obstruct justice at the time. If he did, he was duty bound by law to report the conversation immediately to the House Senate Intelligence Committee.
Pragmatist, liberal Democrat,conman, convert to conservatism, Great American. Put any label you choose, however true or untrue it may be, on President Donald J Trump. The reality remains that President Trump has pursued more conservative items in his first 100 days than many “Never Trump” proponents suggested he would, and he saved the Supreme Court from going completely fascist. And I believe him to be a Fine American truly working to save this Exceptional America of Ours.
I’m not debating the pros and cons of what he’s done. I will say, that attempting to present a GOP healthcare bill and the trillion dollar budget shouldn’t have occurred.
What many seem to miss is this. Trump has given the GOP both houses of Congress under the Republican platform and a Republican nominated U.S. President, and this can act as a respite from the transformation of the nation into a total authoritarian socialist country in which citizens answer to government bureaucrats; this is where Obama and the Progressive commies were taking us.
Remember Trump’s great words only days ago at Liberty University. He said, “In America we don’t worship government, we worship God.” These words will flow throughout history, however, they also solidified the D.C. Establishment’s view that Trump is dangerous. And immediately afterwards, all manner of hell broke loose in the Left Wing media.
Now in desperation, the Democrats refuse to release their power and give up any gains under Obama, while America hears people such as Representatives Al Green (D-TX), Maxine Waters (D-CA) and prominent Democrat former Rep.Tom Perriello call for President Trump’s impeachment. We are seeing an inner struggle, that is nothing short of a coup attempt by Deep State bureaucrats in the FBI, CIA and NSA, “anonymous” leakers, the Leftist Commies in the “mainstream” media and their Progressive allies in both parties, as well as their strong-arm thugs in the streets. This is a total complete attempt to takeover, a very real coup attempt.
The Democrats might proceed with attempts to arrive at impeachment, but such proceedings cannot even reach the floor of the Senate without the Senate Majority Leader’s approval. McConnell hates Trump, but even he knows the proof of evidence has to be very solid, before moving for impeachment. Aside from all this, 25 Republicans would have to cross over and join the Democrats. That isn’t happening anytime soon, not without more substantial evidence.
Something that doesn’t exist cannot be found, no matter how much the Democrats wish their Lie to become the Truth.
Yes, Trump should survive impeachment attempts, but he and his administration will remain under constant attack. In order to minimize the efforts of the Progressive Democrat Communists, Trump must immediately embark on a purge of all Obama bureaucratic holdovers and replace them with solid Conservatives, Christians and Constitutional minded Patriotic Americans.
Keep your precious principles, but don’t attack the Republican President, regardless of his lack of conservative credentials, and don’t inadvertently or willingly join in the clamor for impeachment, when there is absolutely zero grounds for it, and it is completely unwarranted. Do not aid this coup.
If you and other Republicans jump on this pile of manufactured Democratic manure, you are setting in motion a terrible precedent for the future and possibly dooming America to becoming just like the banana republics where the” rule of law” means little and men answer to dictators, rather than the State answering to their citizens. You and your ilk are aiding in the destruction of our Republic.
Trump is America’s Man, but only if You’re one of the people who want out from under the Globalists and the Establishment DC fascists. If this all out assault on the Trump administration and President Trump continues, the path ahead looks very much like another Civil War brewing. Whether America on the whole understands just how much so, these are the most dangerous times America has ever witnessed in my sixty years of sunrises. Don’t let the sun set on Our Republic.

iPatriot Contributers


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