California’s extremist, left-wing Democrat Governor Gavin Newsom wants to pass a law to allow people to kill their baby for up to a year after birth.
You read that right. Newsom wants people to be able to kill their baby for any reason during the entire first year of a child’s life.
Newsom is supporting a Democrat move to cancel a law that expressly prohibits killing a baby during its first year of life.
California’s AB 2223 was introduced by Assembly Woman Buffy Wicks. The bill would cancel the state’s current anti-infanticide law.
The bill “delete the requirement” for a coroner to handle “an unattended fetal death” as a “death without medical attendance,” according to Townhall.
Those who oppose the bill say that AB 2223 will change the law “in a way that radically undermines protection for newborns,” and if signed, “will allow certain forms of infanticide.”
Typical of how Democrats lie with language, this bill is called a “reproductive health” bill.
What a joke.
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