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The Customers of Blue-Cross Blue-Shield Insurance Company and Obamacare a re being RAPED, MOLESTED, SHAFTED by these Companies big time, while the stockholders of these companies are smiling all the way to the bank.

The Chairmans, The Presidents, The Corporate Officers are greed driven people only caring about their profits, their check books and how big their homes are.  Shafting the customers are no concern for them as they are on a much nicer health plan and they are insulated in their Ivory Towers away from the minimum wage employees that catch hell from irate policyholders answering the phones down in the basement.

I am insured by Blue Cross-Blue Shield and they had a rate increase in January of 2017 and we are now paying for it.  Last year I got my prescription medications for about $15 per drug.  2017 has made the cost increase to around $30 or more for the same prescriptions.

The Co-Pay for 2016 was around $15 per Doctor Visit.  2017 has brought the Co-Pay visit to $50.

My daughter and her family are insured with Obamacare and this quite frankly is a damn joke that Nancy Pelosi, members of Congress and Obama forced upon the people of America with their promises, lies, BS and by none of them ever reading what was in it……..Needless to say when you are aware that you or your family members will ever be associated with it, why would you gives a rat’s ass about what it would not cover or pay for…..After all you are a member of Royalty and do not associate with people like us low life’s that live outside of the Nations Capital in Washington, DC.

Obamacare is and was a farce created and dreamed up by an idiot that had no idea of what he was doing and was a failure as well as a lying President that was aware that he would never be insured under his idea.

Blue-Cross Blue-Shield refuses to pay for anything and will lie and deny their claims and let Medicare pay for everything.  I had an “Ear Implant” in March of 2016 and they refused to pay any of the bill as they said it was “Experimental Surgery”…….I am deaf in my right ear and the Implant made me hear.  My Surgeon  sent several letters to their Doctor’s and they refused to cover the costs.  I sent a letter to the President and he had no courtesy to reply…..IF HE COULD NOT HEAR YOU CAN BET YOUR BUTT HE WOULD HAVE BEEN COVERED WITH NO PROBLEMS.


In essence the only way this can be corrected is for you and I to vote out each and every individual in Congress in 2018……Yep this means that your PERSONAL CONGRESSMAN AND SENATOR WILL HAVE TO GO, no matter how much you believe they are helping you…….This is BS and Stupidity on your part.

If they cared for you, you would be on the same Health Plan and retirement with Social Security you are forced to pay for.  DID YOU KNOW THEY HA VE THEIR OWN SEPARATE PROGRAMS THAT ARE NOTHING LIKE THE POS YOU AND I HAVE.


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