Are Black communities are keeping slavery alive?
The professional sports team owners scout the high schools for outstanding athletes. These youngsters are encouraged by their coaches and by their families to excel in sports and thereby go to college, play on a well-known school team, and then, hopefully, get into the Professional leagues, and make lots of money.
What is left on the sidelines is the fact that the education is not the main goal. The Alumni of Academe and the owners of Professional teams, just want to win games and make money. The expensive education is just another step up. Most of the athletes/students can take non-essential courses. Anything that will get them through the four years. And then they are awarded a college degree in General Education, a trophy, and lots of money if they are lucky enough to move on to the Professionals.
Many of them use the money to live a high and fast life. Sadly only a few return to their communities to help them move up.
The Black Community has felt “entitled” for many years now, and President Obama fostered and promoted that feeling. He was sly and cunning in that endeavor; but he succeeded. The Black Community is screaming for attention and power. The Democratic Party has bolstered that scenario to gain support and votes. Unnoticed by many, including the Media, President Trump is trying to keep his promise to the Blacks. But they are not cooperating!
This current protest, to kneel during the National Anthem, has spilled over to our beloved pastime of football. It started as a message to the white Police to stop shooting the Black youth. The Police are doing their job; the youth are committing crimes. Face the truth and the facts.
Yes, there are bad Police. And yes, there are good Black youths as well as criminal.
The current Chicago Mayor was, at one time, a close ally of Pres. Obama. He still is! You think the crime and murders in Chicago are not intentional. Wake up folks! Underlying powers are working heavily to encourage a “Black vs. White” civil war. We will kill each other off, and in steps Islam Muslims! Notice how quiet the followers of Islam have become. They are just biding their time until the “war of the races” leaves the spoils for them.
A simple scenario, but it seems to be escalating.
This faction of the Islamic Muslims, hoping to restore their Ottoman Empire, have been subtly working behind the scenes as far back as the 1960’s. Perhaps it would be good if many today read about the atrocities of this Empire; and how they treated those that did not agree with their Philosophy. They prey on the unhappy and discontented, reach out to those who have lost hope, and indoctrinate the youth through our educational system. They have used the Liberal Democrats and the Black Community to further their cause.
The depth of despair that followed the assassination of President John F. Kennedy was the very stepping stone they needed.
Donald Trump is acutely aware of what is going on. He has been chosen by the “good” to help fight the “evil”. Witness the fact that he has chosen the best in their respective fields to work with him. We must understand that he and his cooperatives are fighting heavily and the odds are not with them; only because they have gotten into the fray somewhat late. But they are determined; as they realize what is at stake. And I, as well as many others, will do whatever we can to help, even in these small articles that reach only a comparative few, in the hopes of getting the word out there to enlist anyone we can to join us in fighting this evil movement.
I believe that Trump is using the social media, his harsh and strong language, and his knowledge of the International Community, to reach out to the world for strong support, and get the good people to stand with him. He is reaching the extremes by speaking of Faith, by intelligent words when talking to the many, and harsh language when he wants to get the attention of all.
He has mine. I was leery at first before the election; even after. But the more I see and hear, the more convinced I am of what I speak.
For many months now, since realizing the strong actions the Media uses AGAINST Trump, I have been watching Fox news in the evening. Last night (9/26/17), I watched the “Hannity” show at 9:00 PM. His first guest was O’Reilly. They engaged in a ‘one-on-one’ conversation that would have awakened the dead. I was acutely impressed with their stark honesty and courage to speak out.
I encourage all to begin reading and listening to both sides of this World-wide dispute between the ‘good’ and ‘evil’.
Pray God we will endure. Perhaps we are amid the “Second-coming”, and have not yet realized or accepted it.
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