Sometimes a single, small comment deserves the response of a whole article. Such is the case with the comment from Laurie Jenkins, who said “If education had not suffered so in the last decades, there might be more who could read and comprehend this” (article — Individualism vs. Socialism, IPatriot 9/26/2017).
Thank you, Laurie, and you are right. Education has suffered, by plan. Society has suffered, by plan. Ethics, morals and values have suffered, by plan. There are people who have thought about how to build and how to destroy societies, but there are a few that have put down the plan on paper.
My claim is that those that have not been taught to read and understand must make the effort to do so themselves, or much of what explains the world is out of reach to them. If they do not know Sun Tsu (The Art of War), much of the strategy, tactics, planning and mentality of generals is unknown. If they do not know Machiavelli (The Prince), much of the effectiveness of politicians, monarchs, and rulers, despotic or benign is unknown. If they do not know the Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion, much of the effectiveness of espionage, control, manipulation and money is unknown. If they do not know Ayn Rand (Atlas Shrugged, The Fountainhead, Objectivism) much of the deception strategy of perestroika is unknown.
Much more than that, much of the reason for their everyday activities, their time spent working for others instead of themselves is lost to them, their need to seek to believe in others instead of themselves is lost to them, their need to find acceptance among their peers instead of seeking perfection within themselves is lost to them. Much of the reason for their anger is lost to them.
They feel furious about the NFL but they can only react emotionally. Those that control, caused the NFL experiment to see if patriotism for the country is dead. They wanted to see if heresy against the core beliefs of our nation will be ignored by the people for the sake of their entertainment. And they would have been if Trump had not pointed it out. It was a brilliant wake up call.
Individual thought leads to becoming awake to the fact that we are not cogs in a wheel, ants in a colony, or “members of the team.” And, the awakening leads to seeing many important things, such as the rise of the collective in sports (naming teams instead of players in football and basketball) and the fall of the individual baseball player (ignoring individual achievement and individual statistics in favor of general win/loss) in America. The rise of “stars” who do not achieve, but play a role scripted by individuals who remain unknown.
And those who extol the collective do not realize how flimsy is their house of cards. They ride the coattails of the collective, and if the collective fails, they fail. They choose a job for more pay and less work without thinking that the collective job could fail.
And all collectives where productivity, progress and individual achievement is less important than group think, must fail by attrition, because the collective follows the theory of Marx — “scientific socialism” — the average bad, which always gets worse. Marx explains all social collectives and it is based on compromise instead of the best of the best. It is based on Hegel’s paradox, a fallacy. Marx’s theory is a magnificent skyscraper of logic built on the quicksand of error for one purpose to serve as a castle that is impervious to individual judgment of right and wrong and the glorification of the average bad.
As you can tell, I only talk to the remnants of humans who are awake. Only those that understand and can think for themselves will find what I say worthwhile. Everyone has to make the effort to think about what they read to prove or debunk what others say and their own beliefs. They can even take the blue pill afterwards, but, regardless of the hardship, regardless of the “inconvenience,” most who wake will not rather be asleep.
Welcome, Laurie. And don’t worry. Those who learn have made their effort. Those that don’t have made their choice.
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