We know it as “above and beyond the call of duty:” Retired General, now presidential Chief of Staff John Kelly, a Gold Star father, epitomizes this noble creed. General Kelly has lived a good part of his life with great courage, self-sacrifice and patriotism. As a soldier and now in civilian life, he embodies all that is good and honorable in America. Yet even this brave man must now suffer the slings and arrows of insufferable and outrageous leftists, for coming to the defense of his boss, the President of the United States of America.
It all began earlier in the week when the president in a phone call to the widow of a fallen soldier, Sgt. LaDavid Johnson, was criticized for being disrespectful in the words he used to comfort the grieving woman. Now there are times when President Trump, speaking extemporaneously, can be inarticulate and perhaps even crude. But who among us hasn’t at moments of extreme tension and anxiety, spoke and used words that may have been misinterpreted, or inappropriate, perhaps even hurtful and lacking in the proper sentiments. Is there any reason to believe that Mr. Trump’s words and his intentions were meant to be anything but respectful?
Most of the main stream liberal media, and press, have been on a rampage about the president’s diction and performance, however although well versed as they may be in the language lexicon, they can in their own way be equally unrefined. As tensions and criticisms increased to a crescendo by the president’s detractors, Mr. Trump as is his custom refuted the allegations of being insincere and disrespectful to Mrs. Johnson.
On Thursday of the week Chief of Staff Kelly felt the need to address the nation and give his personal reflections on the matter. Standing before a room full of reporters, most hostile to the president he serves, Kelly expressed his sadness and how he felt broken-hearted upon learning of another senseless controversy that in this particular instance involved an issue that was one of the only few remaining in the American culture that he felt up until now had remained sacred.
After his opening salutation, General Kelly began his remarks by explaining to the assembled what occurs, the dignified and extensive process when a member of the military falls in combat. How his buddies treat and prepare the remains, with the utmost of respect, dignity and honor, for the long trip home to the family. Kelly then suggested to anyone interested that there was a movie, “Taking Chances” that gave a good depiction of the process involved. He also explained how as the remains are being prepared, a casualty officer arrives at the home of the fallen early in the morning waits for the “first lights” to come on and then knocks at the door and upon entering the home will remain for some time.
General Kelly spoke of the young men and woman of the military, “The best 1% this country produces, they volunteer to protect our country when there’s nothing in our country anymore that seems to suggest that the selfless go into service to the nation is not only appropriate, but required. But that’s all right”. The General then explained to the assembled how the president, prior to making the call, discussed how past presidents reacted and whether they called the families. Mr. Trump then asked if the General had any suggestions for the right words he might say to Mrs. Johnson.
As most of you may be aware at the time the president placed the call, Mrs. Johnson was in a limousine with Repr. Frederica Wilson who was able to listen in on the call as it was on speaker phone. It was this same democrat who started this entire fiasco. The General also delved into the past by bringing up an incident that occurred several years ago that he witnessed. It involved this same partisan politician; it was his contention that Wilson displayed a lack of sensitivity and decorum at a ceremonial event. The congresswoman refuted this and the press and media believing she was in the right, as you would expect, used it to criticize and lambast the General.
Who among us is above reproach, not even a General. But by the reaction of the anti-Trump crowd, you would have thought Ret. General, now presidential Chief of Staff John Kelly, committed war crimes or was guilty of an act of treason. For arguments sake let’s say Kelly misspoke or exaggerated his remarks toward the hostile, partisan and impeachment obsessed Congresswoman Wilson, in the narrow minds of the anti-Trump crowd it would seem the entirety of the General’s life of sacrifice to his country, his courage above and beyond the call of duty, is null and void, and nothing else the General said before the members of the press was of any consequence.
At this point, I’ll not go into the remaining contents of the General’s talk, he did speak for about 20 minutes most of which was devoted to a tribute to the men and women of the military, while admonishing the press and media for its unfair coverage. There was one part; however, that held great significance, and I’d like to briefly discuss it here. It was near the end when the General spoke these words, “It stuns me that a member of Congress (Wilson) would have listened in on that conversation, absolutely stuns me. And I thought at least that was sacred. You know, when I was a kid growing up, a lot of things were sacred in our country. Women were sacred, looked upon with great honor. That’s obviously not the case anymore as we see from recent cases. Life — the dignity of life — is sacred. That’s gone. Religion, that seems to be gone as well”.
The general continued, “So I still hope, as you write your stories, and I appeal to America, that let’s not let this maybe last thing that’s held sacred in our society — a young man, young woman going out and giving his or her life for our country — let’s try to somehow keep that sacre, but it eroded a great deal yesterday by the selfish behavior of a member of Congress”, the empty barrel (my words).
I believe General Kelly was expressing what many of us have felt for some time. The corruption of the culture, and lets place most of the blame where it belongs, at the hands of democrats, liberals and progressives. Whether we’re talking about abortion, same sex marriage, the threat to religious liberty, Hollywood, politics, and social experimentation in the military, all of these issues that I have written about quite often are captured by the heartfelt sentiments of an honorable and courageous man.
A passage in Proverb reads “A man may survive distress, but not disgrace”. The General was greatly distressed by all the innuendo and ad hominem attacks on the president, but he has nothing to be ashamed of, his reputation remains untarnished. Some believe he disgraced himself, I believe any disgrace falls on the mainstream media and members of the press, a bunch of angry and bitter malcontents; the whole damned lot of them.
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