Pretty much everyone on the left has convinced themselves that it is a fait accompli regarding Trump’s impeachment. One such leftist website recently posted an article claiming that, “Trump‘s impeachment is almost inevitable at this point. There is just too much evidence that he has violated the constitution that he can’t continue to be president. It’s just a matter of time before his own party completely turns on him.”
Depending on how the 2018 midterm election shakes-out, it may be inevitable. If the democrats take back the House of Representatives, you can bet the first thing on their docket will be to present Articles of Impeachment. Heck, they already have.
However, as far as I can see, President Trump’s record thus far is completely untarnished – as being a “big meany” is not a High Crime. To date, the Mueller hit squad has found exactly squat regarding Trump ties to neither Russia, nor anything else that is an impeachable offense. You can bet the farm that if anyone had found something – anything to sink Trump, it would have been leaked. The left has employed every dirty trickster they can find to dig up something that might be construed as “treason, bribery, or other High Crimes and Misdemeanors” (Article II, Section 4 of the Constitution). They have not found, nor will they find anything.
One then has to wonder if the author of the piece even understands how the impeachment process works, as not one of the democrat’s five articles they introduced last month rise to the level of what the Constitution requires. Even then, it’s highly unlikely that the Senate could muster a two thirds super-majority to remove Trump from office.
But the author of the article had another point to the story. If Trump were to be successfully impeached, tried and found guilty, would he leave? He spoke to a historian who asserts that not only is impeachment inevitable, but also a Trump coup in lieu of his ouster. Man – there can be no doubt how deeply their hatred for Trump goes. Of course I recall some of us the right were batting around the idea that Obama wouldn’t leave either.
The esteemed historian, Timothy Snyder, asserts in the article that a coup is inevitable because Trump is a fascist – not what we assume all politicians are – “democratic parliamentarian pluralists.”
Wow – I hope old Tim’s not an American historian. Our government is pluralist, as it lends to the separation of powers, but we are certainly not democratic nor are we parliamentarian. This is what passes on the left as educated? Scary.
Item number two in his assertion of a Trump coup is that the President mocks and belittles the sacred and sainted press, and that he “constantly and intentionally tries to p**s off liberals.” Oh perish the thought.
Item three is Trump’s audacity to question the authority of the many black robed oligarchs of the judiciary, who have consistently overstepped their authority for decades. Trump has every right to call out the judiciary, as should also every member of the legislature. Oh, and he had the nerve to want the Senate to scrap the filibuster rule – you know – like Harry Reid did when it suited him.
The vaunted “historian” then goes further down the rabbit hole of Trump insanity by suggesting that Trump could stage another Reichstag fire type event, as Hitler did in order to cement his authority and ascension to Führer.
The historian Snyder finally states that Trump’s evil plot could come to fruition in as little as a year’s time. “Nobody can be sure how long this particular regime change with Trump will take, but there is a clock, and the clock really is ticking. It’s three years on the outside, but in more likelihood something like a year,” says Snyder.
Well holy crap! I knew the left had Trump derangement syndrome, but with less than a year in office, the left has gone from just being angry and bitter to stage four malignant insanity.
Rush Limbaugh has often repeated that you know when someone on the right is effective by the measure of lunacy of the left. I suppose then one could conclude that Trump has been pretty darn successful.
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