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Before the first Black Friday, Small Business Saturday, or Cyber Monday;

Before the lights on Broadway or the glitz and glitter at Time Square;

Before the hustle bustle of every metropolitan city;

Before the idolization of TV and movie stars, sports figures, or public figures;

Before the advent of the electric light bulb or the airplane;

Before the industrial revolution, or the God Inspired United States;

Before the start of the age of enlightenment or the modern European states;

There lay in a lowly manger, under the light of The Star of Bethlehem,

the new born Babe, Jesus Christ, wrapped in swaddling clothes,

who, Prophecy said would become the Savior of the World.

Sent by God the Father, to come into the world to Atone for the sins of all men

should they come to Him and repent.

As we celebrate Christmas this year, may we remember the most important Christmas where Jesus Christ was Born!

iPatriot Contributers


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