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We now have law without order.  Washington D.C,, San Francisco, Orlando, St.Paul, Chicago,Baton Rogue, and Dallas show that justice is not equal starting from the top.

In  it is Congress, the FBI, Department of Justice and President Obama. The Democrats on a party line vote failed to pass Kate’s Law and defund  sanctuary cities. Kate Steinle’s life did not matter. She was killed by an illegal who had been deported five times. She was white. The only time life matters is when they can use the issue to push gun control. They want no control on abortion even when some of the clinics have no safeguards if something goes wrong. They ignore the fact that gun can be a selective weapon, the alternative can be worse.

The FBI by refusing to indict Hillary Clinton show unequal treatment. They had to rewrite the definition of gross negligence.  Extremely careless and forgetting and perjury are no longer crimes.  The server was only the method, what was on the server or what was deleted is the real problem national security should be a top priority. Benghazi, the Clinton Foundation, and any other information that should be checked. Hillary was the assembler of information so the one to mark the work classified. Then the FBI changed the report on the Orlando terrorist attack. They changed the word Allah to God, and dropped any reference to jihad.

Attorney General Lynch met with Bill Clinton while Hillary was being investigated, The President and Justice department has cut in, on almost every case where an African American was killed by a police officer.

To me all lives matter. Do all BLM  when considering Chicago and abortion? Chicago is black on black crime, gang and drug wars. What race has the highest number of abortions?

Is it racism when the few rogue police use the same tactics,  where there is almost no minority?  Speed traps and parking tickets are revenue. When a traffic stop is made police ask for drivers license and registration and maybe insurance information.  Information kept in the glove compartment or console, a place for a possible weapon. How do you keep everyone safe?

I have not kept the actual count, but the record between rogue cops and thugs appear about even. The killing of police in Dallas appears to be nothing but a hate crime.

Has the lack of job creation added to the immigration policy of both refugees and illegals increased the violence?

Plea bargaining has become a major item in the courts. Money, education, and language are factors of those charged. Prosecutors and judges have a lot of power, they control the use of evidence. Personal ideology can get in the way.

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