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Conservative pundit Mollie Hemingway recently made an appearance on Fox News to talk about the recent hearings on the possibility that President Trump had been wiretapped, and on whether someone on the Trump team was tangibly connected to Russia.

While the FBI and the NSA could not find any evidence that Trump had been wiretapped they did learn that the Obama Justice Department had sough 2 different FISA warrants to surveil the Trump headquarters. Not only that but they also finally admitted that some Trump team members had been caught up in their supposed surveillance of the Russian government. So while Trump may have been wrong about being spied on, Hemingway argues that we do need to have a discussion about the dangers of our intelligence community spying on our political leaders, particularly during a heated election.

I don’t know if it’s fair to say that Trump himself was under investigation as much as the campaign. But this is also speaking again to how we’re kind of having it both ways. We have had people surveilled since July. We have had stories in the mainstream media, Washington Post, New York Times, CNN. Snippets of surveillance, snippets of transcripts, of information.

All these allegations and there is, and then when Donald Trump says he’s been wiretapped because he is so silly or clumsy about how he says it, now we say we can’t talk about it because of how he overstepped it. But we really should be having a conversation about the surveillance of a political opponent during a campaign and what that means. Particularly the complete lack of actual evidence that we have of any problem. We have had so much smoke and no actual fire and it’s really time we kind of get that.

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