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Although Billary used the hidden server for her own foundation corruption, it was originally setup for communique between her and Obama to go around the “Public Records Act” whilst she was orchestrating the killing of Gaddafi and destruction of Libya.

It worked so well they used it for the Benghazi program where they organized, funded, and armed, via Turkey and Iranian ports; ISIS. Weapons including MANPADS were purchased and stolen from Libyan rebels by CIA Special Activities Division and 1st SFOD-D US ARMY personnel.

Russian Intel found out in NO TIME and fed it to IRAN who then hired and lead (thanks to they already having IRGC INTEL folk inside as cleaners) local Libyan gang which attacked and killed Americans in the CIA OP center.

Since both sides of the DC duopoly gang were in on it, as the original OP was approved by the Intel committees of both houses of the 112th congress and their ex-officios.

Everything, absolutely everything since has been smoke. So much so that all of our sphincters could sue Phillip-Morris!

That is why the emails will never appear nor will Benghazi truth come out. Nor will that female dog Hillary Clinton or her useful idiots ever be held to account.

The deal worked fine with Trey Gowdy a past prosecutor who knew exactly what evidence and questions not to ask so as not to out the rebloodlicans involved and Obama, with an assist from Eric Holder; knew exactly what to hide, release and not release.

The conclusion of the deal is the 2 year budget debacle for Obama with no BENGHAZI IMPEACHMENT and Boehner leaving with his Speakership intact with NO BENGHAZI IMPEACHMENT’S”. For Rebloodlicans the IRS held back 501C3 requests just long enough so the crooks of congress could get reelected back into our orifices, er… offices.

Now Boehner part deux named Paul “LYIN” RyanO, will pay all the useful idiots in congress that were Boehner’s boys, after Boehner leaves; with committee chairs and bills turned to laws that they THINK will keep them in our orifices. er.. Offices (dang Freudian slips). Look at their voting records since the Benghazi debacle…

Everything in between and since has been coordinated. See the membership lists.

112th Congress (2011-2012) US SENATE Select committee on Intelligence/ Dianne Feinstein-California-Chairman Saxby Chambliss-Georgia-Vice Chairman Republicans-Olympia J. Snowe Maine, Richard Burr North Carolina, James Risch Idaho, Daniel Coats Indiana, Roy Blunt Missouri, Marco Rubio Florida,

Ex Officios Mitch McConnell Kentucky, John McCain Arizona, Harry Reid Nevada, Carl Levin Michigan
112th Congress HOUSE Permanent Select committee on Intelligence **Republicans** Mike Rogers Michigan, Chair, Mac Thornberry Texas, Sue Myrick North Carolina, Jeff Miller Florida. Mike Conaway Texas, Peter King New York, Frank LoBiondo New Jersey, Devin Nunes California, Lynn Westmoreland Georgia, Michele Bachmann Minnesota, Tom Rooney Florida, Joe Heck Nevada, **Democrats** Dutch Ruppersberger Maryland Ranking Member, Mike Thompson California, Jan Schakowsky Illinois, James Langevin Rhode Island, Adam Schiff California, Dan Boren Oklahoma, Luis Gutiérrez Illinois,

Ex officious John Boehner, Ohio, Nancy Pelosi, California, Ben Chandler Kentucky

She should be tried for treason right next to Obama the IslamoMarxist. Ever notice that we switched Islamic sects/ religions(Shiite, Sunni) as soon as the CONMAN-IN-CHEAT took office?

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