Wokeness really is a mental illness. The latest proof of that comes from astrophysics professor Natalie Gosnell who is making a name for herself by claiming that space is racist.
These people really need medication.
Gosnell, a white, female professor at Colorado College is excoriating her own field of study by claiming that it is steeped in “racism,” and is “white supremacist” because of the “violent language” used to describe stars and space phenomenon.
Per the Daily Mail:
In an interview with the college newspaper she claimed she has struggled to overcome a division between art and science that is rooted in ‘systemic racism.’
Her work aims ‘to cross typical disciplinary boundaries to create art-science pieces that re-inscribe outer space as feminist space,’ she said on her website.
‘Both artists and scientists are just observing things about the world, interpreting those observations, and then sharing their interpretation,’ Gosnell told Colorado College News.
‘As an astrophysicist, I am a product of institutions steeped in systemic racism and white supremacy,’ she said.
This doofus also claimed that the field is “hypermasculine” and metaphors used to describe space are often “very violent.”
She pointed to a recent paper that called a star a “bad boy” as an example.
This is the facile “thinking” that has become acceptable in our colleges and universities.
Silly, meaningless, empty, woke moralizing has replace erudition and thinking.
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