On Friday, Attorney General Jeff Sessions asked for the resignation of 46 US Attorneys from the Obama administration, a routine step when a transfer of power occurs and when a new administration comes in. President Trump ran on a platform that included deep seriousness when it comes to law and order, and Sessions is carrying out that platform in the best way possible by cleaning out the Justice Department and starting anew.
However, not every one of these attorneys took this well, although they should have all expected this, since it happens every time there is a new president. One attorney in particular, Preet Bharara of New York, refused to resign, leading to his immediate firing. Bharara’s goal, of course, was not to stay with the new administration. Rather, it was to create a status of martyrdom, the latest “victim” of the Trump administration.
The media was more than happy to oblige in accommodating Bharara’s move, raging that Trump is purging civil service positions and that he is carrying this out much more abruptly than needed. Of course, even with the loss of all its credibility over the years in its coverage of Republicans, the media can’t say that Trump’s move was unprecedented. In 1993, Bill Clinton’s Attorney General Janet Reno fired 93 US Attorneys, and Barack Obama fired some a few months into office. There’s no question that this is a normal, routine move involved in a presidential transition.
But the media, which is nothing more than a Democrat PR machine, will come up with whatever excuse it can to make this look like a scandal. This applies to Trump or any Republican. For example, during George W. Bush’s second term, he fired his own appointees from the previous term, because Bush wanted to let lower-level appointees move up the ladder and build more experience. But the media accused the move of being a cover for some illegal scandal.
In the case of Bharara, there was a similar claim that he was asked to investigate Trump for potentially violating the Constitution’s Emoluments Clause; whether Trump has received payments from foreign governments through his business interests. There is no evidence of Trump violating this clause. But again, because it’s a Republican preforming the routine procedure, it becomes a scandal. Uber-Left Senator Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) went on a tweetstorm yesterday, claiming Trump wanted to clean house at the Justice Department and fill it with “tame prosecutors who won’t investigate him.” She tweeted much more in this same sentiment. She also vowed to lead the fight against any Senate confirmations for Trump-nominated US Attorneys, whom she referred to as “cronies.”
But this outrage is not about Trump’s “cleaning house.” It is about advancing the Left’s goal to destroy Trump, no matter the cost. Whether they have to lie or cheat, or delay cabinet confirmations while complaining about the government not working, the Democrats will goose-step.
But this may work out in Trump’s favor. Most of the time when there is a negative story about Trump, the administration, or the Republican congress, the media make themselves look much worse by making hysteria out of a nothing story. Last week, for example, virtually every conservative pundit and think tank lambasted House Speaker Paul Ryan’s terrible replacement plan for ObamaCare and Trump’s endorsement of it. The Democrats, if they were strategic, could have taken advantage of this and made themselves look smart and reasoned, while the Republicans argued about Ryan’s legislation. Instead, they take a nothing story and cry like Chicken Little that the sky is falling. It works just as well as calling your opponents racists, fascists, sexists, or the like for years. After a while, everyone can see the double-standard and tunes it out.
The Left doesn’t care about the 46 Attorneys who were asked to resign. They probably don’t even know the attorneys’ names, and if you replaced Sessions’ and Trump’s name with (former Attorney General) Holder’s and Obama’s, the media would not have said anything. But they must destroy Trump, even as they know their own credibility will eventually dwindle to zero in the process.
Tags: Donald Trump Jeff Sessions
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