The Mainstream Media (MSM) has a problem. I think that even they want to know what it is. They even say it when they say “We want to show that the social reality is an ideological and informative compromise that the media takes with the population.” And I think that they believe they know what they are saying, but although they accidentally use the right words, they don’t.
The function of a news media is to provide balance, transparency, and clarity. Compromise and dialog (dialectic) is none of that — it is ideology and propaganda in its purest form. And it is Marxist ideology. And you say so “it is an ideological and informative compromise.” In terms of the deception of perestroika, it is convergence — between good and bad, between liberty and oppression.
Exactly what are you compromising. I will tell you — you are compromising between productive and parasite, between just and unjust, between honest and corrupt, between totalitarian repression and trade between equals — you are compromising between good and evil. What MSM, and the majority of media does is Marxian or Hegelian dialectic (thesis, antitheses, synthesis — compromise between good and evil), and that is why MSM has lost credibility and their power of the fourth estate.
People want a transparent presentation of both sides, so that they themselves can judge. But MSM doesn’t trust the reader/viewer/listener. They believe they can tell them what to think and what to believe instead of providing the basis for independent thought, because their very ideology is based on compromise, so they are always slanted to the left.
But you know what? Most people don’t wish to be rich parasites who have sold their soul to the devil. They want to be productive people who are proud of what they do, for themselves, their family, their comunity, their country, with the liberty and justice of being able to think for themselves, make deals which benefit each party, decide what is just and unjust for themselves, and make agreements without government interference and think for themselves.
Revolutionary concept, eh?
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