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I’d like to share a simple idea that a friend and I have implemented.

We get together on Sunday afternoons and instead of watching football we gather along a prominent highway near our homes and wave the American flag in support of our nation. This activity has been met with waves, salutes, honking and some derisive looks and fingers. However, in 3 hours on a Sunday we stand for our nation and proudly proclaim our loyalty to the country and God that gives us the gift of freedom and liberty.

This could become a movement across the county. It may lead to a larger gathering in Washington, DC, but it need not. We can build a movement without courting cameras to demonstrate in our federal capital. This is a local movement that spreads and influences from the ground up.

We call this Patriots Unite. This is the way that conservatives, who are less likely to take time off of work to protest and use violence, can build support and make public our declaration of independence from the media overlords, PC indoctrination and the disinformation of liberalism. We see these flag bearers – Patriots uniting – rising up all across this country, in cities large and small.

Our pledge is below, which we’ve signed. Anyone who would like to attend our gatherings must agree with this simple and direct pledge. It is meant to rule out the troublemakers from the start.

We pray that others will pick up the flag and wave it proudly across our country. This is no law that prevents us from showing our love for our country, in fact the Constitution protects our right to peaceably assemble. Now, let us protect the Constitution and this nation from those who would fundamentally transform her and in the process destroy her.

Patriots Unite!

We the people of the United States of America…

Who sweat for patriots’ work and shed our country’s blood. We will not stand silent and allow the enemies of this nation to destroy her from within and attack her from foreign lands. We wave our flag for strength, valor, vigilance, and perseverance. We will march for freedom, justice and our way of life. Together citizens of America uphold the values and ideals of the real American Dream, our God given right to pursue life, liberty and happiness. Let’s roll!

We are committed to:

  1. One nation under God. We believe that this nation was founded based on a proper understanding of nature and nature’s God. His revealed will has guided our path. While many faiths and views can coexist in a society that does not endorse or require alliance to a specific religion or denomination, it is in our national interest to acknowledge and worship our creator.
  2. The Declaration of Independence and Constitution as they are written. We believe that words have inherent meaning and our national was built on these twin pillars of mission and organization. It is not up to any person or judge to rewrite the supreme law of the land based on their own preferences, trends or fads. Read them.
  3. Law and order. We believe that good government must be just. No person is above the law. Our military and local police deserve our respect when they keep order, prosecute criminals and protect the innocent. Likewise, an armed and civil public serve the nation by preventing crime from escalating and deterring government excess.

We reject:

  1. Racism in its many forms. We are not a group defined by race, skin color, ethnicity or cultural background. America is the greatest country on earth. We welcome visitors from all countries. We integrate and assimilate men, women and children from all nations and tribes who want the freedom and responsibility to become US citizens.
  2. The political establishment. We support principles over party. If a party serves the needs of the country then in any given election we can support members of that party. However, we do not blindly adhere to any faction that claims to do the will of the people while working against it.
  3. The media and academic cabal. Our education and information are free. Our right to speak and publish our views cannot be infringed. Disinformation and lies distort the truth and subvert the public good. A people who do not know how to think do understand the issues that mater and cannot choose moral men and women to lead.
  4. Violence in the aggressive and offensive use of force to achieve domestic political goals. We reject paramilitary action that is meant hinder and harm individuals, organizations and government entities for political gain. Because we believe in the Constitution and the second amendment, we reject attacks and have the right to defend ourselves if we are attacked.

iPatriot Contributers


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