America has been torn asunder by bloody riots, public calls for the assassination, forcible removal, and impeachment of President Trump. Mr. Trump has been called unspeakable names, received unimaginable disrespect of person and office, falsely accused of criminal conduct, and treated as though he were of unsound mind or deranged. Why? Because there has been no accountability nor consequences for the unspeakable words and actions, so the Rule of Law is absent.
By now it is obvious to any American with a sprinkling of common sense, that the Robert Mueller-led investigation into alleged Russian meddling in the election as well as Russian collusion with Trump, is all based on lies, and a falsified dossier paid for by the Clintons to smear Trump, was both lies and criminal activity. We also now know that the collusion with the Russians was perpetrated by Democrats and the Democratic Party, not by Mr. Trump. Why has this all happened? There has been no one held accountable, no one has faced consequences, so the Democrats and Establishment GOP are openly scofflaws and again, there is no Rule of Law.
During eight nightmarish years of the Barack Obama Presidency, Mr Obama and his administration, including Hillary Clinton, Eric Holder, Loretta Lynch and John Brennan, along with the “Deep State”, committed heinous crimes, attacked our Constitution, openly broke our laws, traded favors-and 20% of our uranium-for millions of dollars in bribes. The entire Obama Presidency was a nonstop criminal enterprise. Both during the Obama years and to this day, the Democratic Party and Establishment Republicans are nonstop criminal enterprises, and Globalist Marxists hell bent on destroying the American Republic. Why? No consequences nor accountability ! No Rule of Law !
America is descending into a chaotic, lawless nation resembling Mexico more than the law abiding America in which we used to live.
President Trump and his administration has valiantly fought to restore honor to this country and bring those scofflaw traitors and criminals in our government to justice. To succeed however, he will need much help; from Patriots, Conservatives, Christians, Nationalists, and all of the remaining honest office holders-local, state and national, to step forward. Step forward America ! Demand accountability and consequences. Demand the Rule of Law. This political mafia has gone unpunished far to long. Please America, stand up, step forward, and help President Trump bring all these filthy crooks to justice. In the name of God, save our nation. Now.
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