The Internal Revenue Service has confirmed that the state of New York has lost $19.5 billion in taxes because so many residents have moved away from the state.
Per The Center Square:
Tracking returns filed in 2019 and 2020 showed that 479,826 people left New York for another state or country in those years. Over the same timeframe, just 231,439 people moved to the state. That means the state suffered a net loss of 248,387 residents.
And, of course, those people took their money with them. The IRS figures show the moves generated an economic exodus of more than $19.5 billion.
Where did the those New Yorkers go:
“New Jersey and Florida were the biggest beneficiaries. More than 84,500 people moved from New York to New Jersey and took $5.3 billion. By contrast, only 37,127 New Jersey residents moved to New York and brought $2.2 billion in income.”
The Center Square added:
The numbers were even starker between New York and Florida. Over the two years, 71,845 New Yorkers flocked to the Sunshine States and took $6.4 billion. Meanwhile, 26,902 former Floridians moved up north. Those individuals had a combined income of $1.2 billion.
This story just warms the heart.
New York couldn’t deserve it more.
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