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“When the slave runs away from his master, his prayer is not accepted.”  —Muhammad, in Sahih Muslim, Chapter 1 (Kitab Al Iman), Hadith 132

“Whoever frees a Muslim slave, Allah will save all the parts of his body from the [Hell] Fire as he has freed the body-parts of the slave.”  —Muhammad, in Sahih Bukhari, Volume 3, Book 46, Hadith 693

The Birth of Muhammad Ali

Muhammad Ali was born Cassius Marcellus Clay, Jr., on January 17, 1942, and died on June 3, 2016.  According to Wikipedia Ali was “an American Olympic and professional boxer and activist … widely regarded as one of the most significant and celebrated sports figures of the 20th century.”  But this question remains: Was Ali a great American, or was he just a great boxer?

The Anti-Islamic Significance of Muhammad Ali’s Birth Name

Let us stop for a moment to ponder the fact that Muhammad Ali was not only named after Cassius Marcellus Clay, his father; he was likewise named after Cassius Marcellus Clay, the famous abolitionist, who, although his father was a slaveholder, overcame his own pro-slavery views during his college years by opening his mind to abolitionism.  Clay’s decision to fight slavery actually put him at odds with Muhammadanism, since it was the Muslim world that was supplying slaves to American planters at the time—all according to the Sunnah—or Traditions—of Muhammad.

Obama’s Version of American History Is False

The slavers who sold black African slaves to European and American slave-traders were Muslims, while the human beings these Muslim slavers sold into bondage in foreign lands were Kafirs (non-Muslims).  This truth is contrary to President Obama’s recent remarks — during a speech he made at a Baltimore mosque in February of 2016—that black African slaves were originally Muslims.  Obama’s claim is patently untrue.  None other than Muhammad himself encouraged slaveholders to free any slave who converts to Islam: “Whoever frees a Muslim slave, Allah will save all the parts of his body from the [Hell] Fire as he has freed the body-parts of the slave.”  To this day, freeing a Muslim-convert slave is considered zakat (a form of obligatory alms-giving for Muslims).

Kafir slaves cannot be freed, since zakat is prohibited for non-Muslims, according to Sharia Law (Ahmad ibn Naqib al-Misri, Reliance of the Traveller: A Classic Manual of Islamic Sacred Law, Amana Publications, 1994 & 2015, Section h8.24, p. 274).  Although Muslim slaveholders are not forced to free Muslim-convert slaves, it is unlikely that Muslims would sell other Muslims into bondage in a land without Islam.  What if such a Muslim slave tried to escape, to find his way back to the Islamic world?  Muhammad has said, “When the slave runs away from his master, his prayer is not accepted.”  This means that, in the situation described, the attempt to return to Islam would incite Allah’s wrath, making Muhammad’s own words a curse to slaves trying to be good Muslims.

Cassius Clay Converts to Islam

According to the Wikipedia, at 18 years of age Cassius Marcellus Clay, Jr., “won a gold medal in the light heavyweight division at the 1960 Summer Olympics in Rome, and converted to Islam shortly afterwards. . . . [changing] his legal name from Cassius Clay, which he called his ‘slave name’, to Muhammad Ali, and gave a message of racial pride for African Americans and resistance to white domination during the 1960s Civil Rights Movement.”

Deep Irony

It is, however, deeply ironic that Clay’s chosen names of Muhammad and Ali are both pro-slavery, due to the slavery that still exists in the selfsame Islamic world that reveres those names.  Furthermore, it should be stated that the Judeo-Christian-based Civil Rights Movement of the 1960s, led by the Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., was merely a logical extension of the Judeo-Christian-rooted Abolitionist Movement of the 1800s, which was supported by Cassius Clay, the objective of which was, ultimately, to extend the Golden-Rule-based US Constitution and the Bill of Rights to African-Americans.

The Bill of Rights: Jahiliyya under Islam

The US Constitution—which is basically an elaboration of the Golden Rule, upon which all Judeo-Christian civilization is founded—is considered jahiliyya by Islam.  Jahiliyya is anything created without the guidance of Islamic inspiration and, as such, is sacrilegious to Islam and, therefore, must be destroyed.  Since the US Constitution promotes freedom, and thus allows full-throated criticism of Islam, its symbols—such as the American Flag—are objects of hatred within the Islamic community.  So, this all begs the question: Why would Muhammad Ali’s name bring about “feelings of racial pride” in the American black community, when slavery is the Sunnah of Muhammad?

Muhammad Ali

By calling himself Muhammad, Cassius Clay chose to name himself after a slaver and rapist who preached wife-beating and jihad.  (Jihad is the righteous murder of and culture-war against non-Muslims).  By choosing the name Ali, Clay also chose to name himself after the first convert to Islam—or, in other words, the first person, after Muhammad’s establishment of that faith, to choose to become a “slave of Allah”—which is how Muslims commonly refer to themselves.

Slaves of Allah

A Muslim woman wrote the following about being a “slave of Allah”: “Once, while in class at college, an Arab girl I was sitting next to said quite loudly to another, ‘Hey, give this paper to the abdah,’ referring to a black girl in the class.  I wondered if she was even aware of what she was saying in English.  Did she think that abdah translates to ‘black girl’ and never thought of its true meaning? . . .  Clearly, if she had said, ‘Give this paper to the slave,’ it would have been a revocable remark, and a confrontation may have ensued. . . .  I remember angrily thinking, ‘Aren’t we all abeed (slaves) of Allah?’ . . .  That’s why I started the ‘We are all abeed of Allah’ campaign; . . . as Muslims, we . . . should proudly claim the word ‘slave’ . . . .  I am a slave, you are a slave, we are all slaves.  Why?  Because Allah subḥānahu wa ta’āla (glorified and exalted be He) refers to us all as His slaves beautifully in the Qur’an on numerous occasions, and it is a term of honor.”  The ideal in Islam is to be a slave and not a freeman.  Robotically following what Muhammad has dictated—as the will of Allah—without the questioning that free moral agents customarily engage in is the Sunnah of Muhammad.

Muhammad Ali, Slave of Allah

Muhammad Ali gave up his Judeo-Christian heritage of freedom and anti-slavery (the only slavery allowed in the Hebrew Bible and the New Covenant is debt-slavery, or indentured servitude) in exchange for the Sunnah—the Way, or Path—of Muhammad, which not only allows slavery but embraces it.  Everyone who is not a Muslim is a slave, or a potential slave, to Muslims; and all Muslims themselves are bona fide slaves to Allah.  This is why the Sharia bans every notion contained in the Bill of Rights, with the possible exception of the Second Amendment right to self-defense—albeit Kafirs (non-Muslims) are forbidden to defend themselves in any way against a Muslim aggressor, even if the Kafir is beaten to the point of dying; a Kafir’s self-defense against a Muslim assault is punishable by death.

Who Was Muhammad Ali?

In December 2015, Muhammad Ali said that “True Muslims know that the ruthless violence of so-called Islamic jihadists goes against the very tenets of our religion.”  Ali stated that jihadists were “misguided murderers [who] have perverted people’s views on what Islam really is.”  Ali’s saying this might mean one of the following: 1) that Muhammad Ali was a dishonest man who—like many Muslim apologists before him—wished to do his part in deceiving American Kafirs with regard to the seriousness of the threat posed by doctrinaire Muhammadanism; or 2) that Muhammad Ali was profoundly ignorant and unlearned in the true tenets of the jihadist faith he so passionately embraced.  So who was Muhammad Ali?  Was Ali an ignorant American who liked to call himself a Muslim, while, in reality, he did not actually understand all of what being a Muslim implied?  Or was he a devout anti-American, who hated America and its anti-Islamic, freedom-loving ways; a doctrinaire Muslim whose pilgrimage to Mecca was made out of total awareness of what such a trip truly symbolized?  So, was Muhammad Ali a well-meaning but unwitting pawn who loved America, or was he an immoral and willing slave of Allah who wished to abet America’s destruction?  Or perhaps the head-battered boxer never actively chose, having been rendered a clueless zombie who—although free in the ring—was easily brainwashed by the slaves of Allah.

Dr. Paul Revere


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