Free speech is a right for all, including Black Lives Matter, but let them build their own stage on their own chosen location.
Don’t give these Anti-American thugs a platform in the presence of American Patriots.
The Mother of All Rallies, on September 16th in D.C., was supposed to be a rally for those who love America, the Constitution and Freedom and Liberty. And allowing these radical leftists, who typically trample the American Flag, shout down conservative Free Speech, burn our cities and murder police officers was a despicable, reprehensible thing and represented the height of dishonor towards all who have fought, bled and died in the defense of the U.S. Constitution and America.
No one says Black Lives Matter should not have come to D.C. and set up their own rally on the same day to exercise their First Amendment Right, but it was simply wrong for so-called “patriot leaders”, such as Henry Davis and Outlaw Morgan, to actually give them any credence or platform to deliver their propaganda on a stage for American Patriots, as they gave their “black power” raised fist salutes in their Black Panther shirts.
What a sham of a rally. What a disgrace.
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