Millennials are the worst of American generations. According to researchers, Millennials are weak of mind, have worse skills, can’t read well, and now, are also physically weaker than previous generations.
Just about every generation thinks that the one following is softer than they are. But researchers are now saying that the oldsters are right about the Millennials. They are softer, dumber, and more useless.
…a few years ago a team of researchers at Winston-Salem State looked at the grip strength of millennials ages 20 to 34 and compared the data with that of people in the same age bracket in the 1980s, and you will never guess what the researchers discovered. They found grip strength—a good indicator of overall strength—had dropped by up to 22 percent in men, proving that millennials are, in fact, weaker than their parents. Gen Z is likely even weaker. These declines in strength matter because you need a reserve of muscle to maintain a high quality of life in your 70s, 80s, and beyond.
The magazine noted that many think Millennials — born between 1984 and 2006 — are big gym rats.
“People born between 1980 and 1999 account for 35 percent of gym memberships, the leading age group, according to a recent report<' the article says. OK, great. But the article adds, "Time in the gym doesn’t always equal strength. Fitness social media, with its emphasis on wild moves and fad workouts, is creating confusion. Plus, many millennials prefer a buffet approach, sampling lots of different workouts rather than following a structured program, which is the proven way to build strength." In other words, they think they are getting healthy and strong, but because they are too stupid to learn about what they are actually doing, they are failing.
The article goes on to offer a fitness plan that would help reverse their weakness.
But, it isn’t just their physical bodies that make them less than previous generations. They are also dumber than previous generations.
Recently a study found that these people’s IQ scores have plummeted.
So, yeah, the dumber and dumber generation is winning the race to the bottom.
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