Conflicting opinions abound on which news stations are reporting actual facts and truthful news.
Some of us have seen what we thought were “fair and balanced” news reporting and have come to see that they are also a bit “shady” in their reports.
As Patriots, all we really ask for from a news outlet is to inform us with the truth. We’re all “Big Boys & Girls”, and we can handle it. And if not all the details are known at the time the story hits…it’s okay. Eventually we’ll get the details. What we don’t want…is someone pontificating and throwing out wild allegations and politically slanted views on what took place before any real truth is available. THIS is where the fringe people grab ahold of something and run with it…and cause considerable damage in their wake, then after the fact and damage is done…they find out they were wrongfully informed.
I would like to believe that some of the media is simply pontificating and trying to elevate their status and just sometimes get things wrong. But alas…that is not the case. We get absolutely lied to with twisted facts and twisted logic from a misplaced politically motivated person pushing THEIR agenda.
So, without further ado…I am announcing the “Old Woolfy News Report”. And you can get it RIGHT HERE…and it’s FREE!!
NBC/CBS/CNN/MSNBC, other Alphabet Networks, the FOX Network and The Old Woolfy Report
Old Woolfy Report: In light of the issues we have had with terrorist activities from those that do not embrace our fundamental American values…today, the President of the United States has signed an executive order to temporarily ban admittance to the U.S. for certain countries that support radical terrorism until such time that we get a fully functional vetting process in place. The President said that as Americans concerned for safety, we are looking forward to this vetting process to be enacted soon and we will welcome those individuals into our Country that share our values.
NBC/CBS/CNN/MSNBC: Trump bans Muslims from entering America. This is Un-American and a disgrace to the whole world! They’re laughing at us and hating us. We need their input and respect. He’s trashing our Country. Based on Islamaphobia he is showing his racist temperament! IMPEACH!
FOX Network: Today President Trump signed an executive order banning admittance to the U.S. from Muslim dominated nations. This is in response to terrorist activities in the country by Muslims. We don’t have full proof it’s because of Muslims even though they shouted Allahu Akbar! This is sure to be controversial and will have an impact on his Presidency. President Trump says this is not a Muslim ban and says it is a “pause” until a full vetting process is in place. Other Presidents have issued bans in the past…but they weren’t Trump. Many Muslims are peaceful and believe in American values…even though they don’t eat bacon, for God’s sake. Oh wait…here comes Shep…boy oh boy is HE pissed.
Old Woolfy Report: Today President Trump has decided in the best interest of the United States to withdraw our support from the Paris Climate Accord. The Accord as written brought undo financial burden to the U.S. while other large Nations that have failed to live up to past emission goals were given substantially less goals and less money demanded. After careful consideration, Mr. Trump said his decision was made based on the negative economic impact it would have on the people of the United States both from a jobs standpoint and financial impact. He stated that the U.S. would continue to develop more “eco-friendly” practices when it comes to harmful emissions. We’ll do this after we clean up Obama’s mess with Detroit’s water!
NBC/CBS/CNN/MSNBC: Trump says global warming, I mean climate change, or whatever the hell else we’re calling it today…is absolutely okay with him! He has screwed the American people and wants them to suffer. Every Nation in the World will hate us. For God’s sake…didn’t he watch Gore’s film? Gore told us New York would be under water by now…but it’s just taking time. What on earth will we do with all the money he has saved us and all the industries providing jobs that will be available. He is only thinking of America. What is wrong with him? We’re gonna burn up in less than 5 years! IMPEACH!
FOX Network: President Trump is pulling America out of the Paris Climate Accord. Quite frankly we don’t know what to think of this. Some here believe it’s the right thing to do and will save America’s Industries, create jobs and save the U.S. a ton of money. Some here are very worried about our reputation in the World community. America has always gone along with whatever hair-brained idea the United Nations proposes, so why is he stopping us now? We’ll have to wait and see. Oh crap, here comes Shep again!!
Old Woolfy Report: Today President Trump signed an executive order to rescind the requirement for Companies to pay for, and Insurance Plans mandated, to include “birth control” medicine. This was one of the most controversial mandates to come out of Obama Care. The Constitutional right of Religious entities not having any law violating their religious freedom will be restored. There are many women across the country who may take issue with this because they’ll now have to pay $10/month for their prevention of pregnancy which comes from their own sexual activity.
NBC/CBS/CNN/MSNBC: OH MY GOD. Trump has attacked every woman in the U.S. today by taking away healthcare from women!! Their right to healthcare has been trashed. He hates women. Trump has decided that Insurance companies and those religious freaks do NOT have to provide and pay for “women’s healthcare” anymore. This man is a beast! This attack on women must be stopped by any measure possible. IMPEACH!! We need those ladies with Vagina hats to march down the street now!!
FOX Network: Today President Trump has rescinded the ACA mandate that all Insurance Companies and Employers had to provide birth control for women. This will be a blow to women all across the country as they’ll now have to pay for their own consequences for their sexual activity. Many applaud this news as it restores the sanctity of many Religious organizations back to the rule of law in the Constitution. We can expect a lot of ranting from Democrats across the country and liberal women in particular. However, we do believe this is the right move because of how it infringed on Religious beliefs. Crap!! Hurry, turn off the cameras…here comes that darned Shep again!!
Old Woolfy Report: Okay, that about wraps up the news for tonight. Sleep well and God Bless!!
NBC/CBS/CNN/MSNBC: Crap. Trump has screwed us again. Where are those damned Russians? Impeach!!
FOX Network: Good night all. Fair and Balanced as usual. Well….except for maybe Shep!
Figured we all could use a little levity. It’s been brutal out there on the airways lately.
Keep the Faith and keep your head up. I’m praying things get better soon.
God Bless You and God Bless America!!
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