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The big buzz over the weekend was the President commenting and Tweeting about the NFL “kneelers” betraying the National Anthem, the flag, and all the symbolism associated with it. I get it. This is news because football is in our DNA as a nation. As soon as possible, it’s time to move on.

I’m not going to criticize those who expressed their opinions. That would make me a hypocrite since I sent out many Tweets about it. I’m humbly asking that we not get so caught up in something as petty as a pastime and the idiots representing it when there are many more important issues to deal with right now.

North Korea is a growing problem. They are antagonized and antagonizing with a massive military presence that can strike our allies in minutes. They may be able to strike America directly. There’s a petulant, insecure lunatic with his hands on the attack buttons. This is bigger than #TakeTheKnee.

Obamacare is alive and killing America’s economy. We need to raise our voices and demand a repeal before we’re stuck with an Obamacare-continuation-bailout plan instead. This is urgent. It may already be too late but we can’t give up yet. This is bigger than #TakeTheKnee.

The travel ban was expanded to include more countries, including countries that do not have an Islamic majority. This ban will, of course, get attacked by the left as soon as the NFL nonsense fades in the news cycle. Liberals will be ready to attack. Will conservatives be ready to defend? This is bigger than #TakeTheKnee.

DACA, a $20 trillion national debt, Iran nuclear deal, Alabama’s primary runoff (yes, it has national significance), Puerto Rico collapsing, tax reform… the list of issues much bigger than #TakeTheKnee could go on and on.

I’m not suggesting this “new” sports culture war doesn’t deserve attention. I’m just hopeful it can fade to the background where it belongs. This has been going on for some time. Just because the President mentions it doesn’t mean the nation can afford to take its collective eyes off more pressing issues.

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