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As the U.S. nears the 2022 midterm election, people of each political persuasion are starting to look toward the 2024 presidential election.

On the GOP side, if former President Trump announces he’s running (and he probably will), he’ll sail to the nomination. If not, the Republicans have a deep bench including Former Vice President Mike Pence, Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis, Former United Nations Ambassador Nikki Haley, Sen. Ted Cruz (Tx), Former Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, and Sen. Tim Scott (S.C.), just to name a few,

On the Democratic side, things are strange. President Biden is very unpopular. Per the Real Clear Politics average of polls, Joe Biden’s approval, as of June 17, is at a meager 39.8%. His disapproval has grown to 54.7%, a difference of just short of 15 percentage points. Despite that America believes he’s doing an awful Joe Biden has stated that he will be running for reelection.

Even atheist Democrats are on their knees at least once a day, praying that Biden retires and gives a Sherman-like statement about 2024 (“I will not accept if nominated and will not serve if elected).

They don’t pray that Biden goes back to his basement to save America from Biden’s awful presidency. They pray that Biden ends his awful presidency after one term because his lousy approval ratings are damaging their approval levels.

On the other hand, Hillary Clinton has announced she will not be running in 2024:.

Clinton used an interview with the Financial Times to rule out a strike for high public office. “No, out of the question,” she told the newspaper, pointing to Biden’s professed desire to run for reelection.

“No, out of the question,” Clinton told the outlet. “First of all, I expect Biden to run. He certainly intends to run. It would be very disruptive to challenge that.”

There you have it. Hillary announcing she won’t run for president again is great news for the future of America. Joe Biden has been an incredibly awful president, but the fact that he’s announced he will run for reelection is awful news.

Some people may believe another Biden run for the White House will give the advantage in the 2024 election to any Republican presidential candidate. But folks, this is politics– politics and logic are mutually exclusive terms. Those who don’t want a second Biden term should be working against it right now.


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