Alexis De Tocqueville thought so ,He wrote this about our government slowly taking our individual freedoms from us, ” It daily renders the exercise of the free agency of this race of man less useful and less frequent ; ….. This government has predisposed this race of man to endure these individually, small and petty erosions of individual liberty and often to look upon them as benefits.
It covers the whole surface of society with a network of small complicated rules. a network of individually uniform rules thru which the most original minds and most energetic character cannot penetrate to raise above the crowd. The will of man has not been shattered; but softened, bent and guided. men are seldom forced to act, but are constantly prevented from acting. The nation is reduced to nothing better than a flock of timid and industrious animals and government is the shepherd”
Isn’t this what has Happened in this country today where we are deprived of our rights to act and to think as individuals but must march in lockstep with politically correct dogma and with multiculturalism.
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