Vice chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, AF General Paul Silva warned lawmakers about AI because “we as Americans should ‘always take our values to war.’
But there is a problem with taking our values to war if we have lost our concept of values. And that is exactly what has happened since socialism was formalized and pushed to all aspects of our education and culture. We have even lost our concept of the common good, (being the best of the best) and have been applying Marx’s average bad (thesis, antithesis, synthesis) as “values” in education, religion, society and now, it is even being promoted in production and science.
What we really need is an in depth study of values and why socialism has destroyed the very goals of seeking perfection in all our social, cultural, and productive interactions.
Nobody seems to be aware of the effect of cultural Marxism, or the need to reverse it. I used the word nobody to indicate that nobody was understanding or doing anything about the problem. It was pointed out that “nobody” is a strong word. I certainly hope so. I certainly hope that I am wrong.
However, because of the orientation of schools and universities, NO studies have been funded to address this issue, no legislation passed to restore the constitutional basis. Further McCarthy was the only leader who spoke about one limited aspect of socialism — communism and he did not go deep enough. He did not understand that socialism encompasses communism, fascism, globalism and any and all forms of totalitarianism that has ever existed.
When a theory is based on an error (the paradox of Hegel — all is A so art is +A and garbage is -A which led to Marx’s thesis, antithesis and synthesis — EVERYTHING derived from the error is wrong.
If a theory is well thought out and consistent but based on a wrong axiom, it is compelling, because of its very consistency. AI does not tend to question the axiomatic base, and it loves consistency in logic.
Because this theory was applied to all aspects of American, European and indeed, most societies, we have been basing not only our society, but our religion, values, and now even science and production, on a theory that is axiomatically flawed — that we can reach the ideal by compromise.
Most who understand the issue speak nothing of it. If it is possible to reverse such a long standing trend, it requires a complete change in attitude from “tolerance” to scientific judgment and a complete change in approach from impunity from corruption to speedy trial and judgment.
Absent a push for that kind of change, there is little reason to suggest that people are paying attention.
I have not seen one white paper or even popular article to suggest that AI is considering studying, and debunking, Marxism to avoid “teaching” robots that collateral damage is acceptable. As a matter of fact the suggestion of teaching some preliminary work toward that end (like Ayn Rand) are likely to be met by defunding the program in major universities.
AI is advancing rapidly, there is no reason to believe that given the consistency of Marxist values we will not obtain the same consistency in the values of AI. Hence the problem is that if we do not define our values in a consistent, non marxist way, AI will take the most consistent set of principles and use it in a way that leads to the marxist end result.
And the marxist end result is inconceivable equality through poverty for those who accept debt and technological slavery and inconceivable power and wealth for those who control the technology and the money. In military usage, AI would seek to win only, and there would be no consideration other than winning. Collateral damage, body count, genocide or decimation of population would be acceptable collateral damage if the result is winning and achieving the marxist consistency and “ideal” of equality.
It is the embodiment and fulfillment of the technoplutocratic military industrial complex. Slaves to debt by international banking, slaves to enormous industry controlled by debt and joined with enormous government to destroy freedom and sovereignty in people and nations. What Elon Musk fears but is afraid to state is that it will be AI that is in charge of the complex and, given very short time, will throw out all industrialists and bankers — IN THE WORLD — as unnecessary.
The problem must be stopped at the theoretical level and debunked throughout all aspects of society, before AI takes over.
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