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It is way beyond time for this Nation, yea, this Continent, this Planet, to stand together shoulder to shoulder, and refuse to accept those who would destroy our dream of a good life; a peaceful and pleasant time of hard work, love, family, and friendships.

I speak of the Dictators, the hungry-for-power Socialists, those who dream of World domination, those who put self above all else.

Yes, we must take care of ourselves, to be ready to help those in need.

I have spoken of my favorite personal theme – – the three “M’s”.   “Yesterday is a Memory – tomorrow is a Maybe – today is Mine … “!

I will always cherish my memories; I will pray for tomorrow, but today is my time to live and enjoy. My time to spend with family and friends.

Some of that time I will spend remembering life’s pleasant times; Bob Hope; Dean and Jerry; The Three Stooges; Tim Conway; All in the Family; Golden Girls, Carol Burnett, and on and on. A time when we knew how to laugh and be silly.

A time when we worked for what we wanted. We didn’t depend on the Government. We depended, when in need, on family, friends, and neighbors when we were not able to depend on self.

We did not allow the Government to control our health; we only allowed it to protect us from those who would take advantage. We did not allow the Government to control our speech.

And we were not so thin-skinned that we were “offended” by everything and anything! We knew how to laugh. Especially at ourselves; we laughed at each other and enjoyed the camaraderie. We knew how to take a joke, and enjoy the fun.

We respected our Police, we looked to them for protection and understood the sacrifices they made for us. They had their shortcomings, but we knew to accept the bad with the good. We did that with each other, did we not? None of us are perfect, and we accepted that!

We did not demand the Government give special treatment to our neighborhood, our Religion, the color of our skin, or our Ethnic background. We did not demand the Government to make restitution for the behavior of past generations. That is History, a treasure to absorb. We cannot change History; we must learn from it and improve on it. Cherish the good History, respect the hard times, and move on. But do not wipe away the reminders; they are important to keep us from forgetting and repeating the past.

To ignore and deny the past is to ignore and deny ourselves and our ancestors.

Our Nation is so divided one wonders if we can ever put it back together.

Personally, I have faith in Mankind. Not only do I believe we will come together, but we will forge a new World, not of one World Order, but of many people, from many backgrounds, that have learned to live together, to share, to accept each other and the different cultures; to learn from each other and not covet thy neighbors’ goods or ways.

We are individuals, self-reliant, self-preserving, and selfless.,

Many speak of the ‘end of times. I believe this will only occur if we allow it.

When we learn to live together, work together, accept, share and enjoy our diversity, we will enjoy the life we have been given, and the many days to come.

iPatriot Contributers


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