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Patriots, it’s time to look inward and reflect on how we are going to approach this very important time in our nation. Each of us has a personal responsibility to be active in the construct of our times.

First, we need to respect each other and our differing opinions as we are a free nation with an inalienable right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. We are constitutionally bound to freedom of speech, even speech we do not ascribe to or agree with, that is the American way. We have choices to make in this present great battle we are in to save our republic.

Are we going to choose to give up? Lie down like sheep and let the haters and transformers change our nation to the likeness of the other third world socialist countries they so admire? Shall we give in? And let them take our liberty,our property, our families, our sacred trust and use it for their leftist ideology? Shall we give out? Weakened by the constant bombardment of how they think we should act,speak,and conform? Patriots, I command that we give them hell!

We will fight them at the polls, we will fight them on social media, in our communities. We will stand for freedom and liberty not giving in,out or up! We can save our republic, but it will take those willing to “kit up”, stand up and run full force to the battle. Damn the torpedoes! Full speed ahead!

Brothers and sisters are you ready?

Well get out your cell phone and pen and stand up for what is right! And give them hell!



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