Looking for a god alternative to Twitter and other social media sites that limit your free speech online? Then give WImkIn a try.
WImkIm (wimkin, in any app store or at wimkin.com) not only allows free speech, it also has the capability to livestream events for four hours at a time — unlike most social media sites whose live streaming capabilities are more limited.
If fact, the 100% American-designed WImkIn offers a long list of special features that are either limited or missing entirely from other social media apps.
WImkIn offers:
- Freedom of speech for all users, not just some
- fully encrypted
- 100% data privacy
- Encrypted messaging capabilities
- 4-Hour Livestream Time
- Uploading up to 200 photos at a time
- Free video chat and calling
- Unlimited friending
- Groups
- Pages and Business Pages
- Marketplace to sell
It has been endorsed by Don Trump. Jr., Rudy Giuliani, Sarah Palin, Jeanine Pirro, and many others.
Of course, like all social media, WImkIn does prohibit pornography, nudity, harassment, and inciting violence (which only makes sense). But the app really is a wide-open site that allows far more free speech than Facebook, Twitter, or other left-wing, anti-Ameircan social media apps.
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Tags: Commentary Wimkin
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