It is time, once again, to dispel the left’s favorite lie that blacks face “systemic racism” in crime and violence.
The truth is, the biggest amount of crime and violence that blacks suffer is at the hands of other blacks.
Recently Ben Shapiro pinpointed the facts in a very useful Twitter thread that you all should save for your records so you can refute the lies the next time you hear them from some halfwit on your social media, or one of you ill-informed friends or family members.
The vast majority of racial crime in the United States is intra-racial. But when it does come to interracial homicide, for example, the chances that a white person killed was killed by a black person are far higher than that a black person killed was killed by a white person.
— Ben Shapiro (@benshapiro) April 18, 2023
This is from the Bureau of Justice Statistics. There were, in 2019, 562,550 violent interracial black/white incidents. 472,570 (84%) of them were black on white.
— Ben Shapiro (@benshapiro) April 18, 2023
Or as seen in a different graphic that is even easier to grasp:
Interracial Violent Incidents Per Capita of Offending Race – Bureau of Labor Statistics 2018
— Pete Reilly, Stochastic Deplorable 🇺🇸 (@petenet321) April 18, 2023
So, the upshot is that there is no “white supremacist racism in U.S. crime statistics.
It is all coming from one class of individuals. And nearly no one else.
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