By Jeff Davidson,
Even far Leftists know that the U.S. was founded based on a strong belief in God. The Founding Fathers acknowledged that the rights of humankind are bestowed by the Creator, not by other people.
The Founders did not require that everyone had to be religious or to adhere to any particular religious doctrine. The frequently misquoted phrase about the “separation of church and state” doesn’t appear anywhere in the U.S. Constitution. The statement actually was part of Thomas Jefferson’s response in 1802 to a religious group, in answer to their October 1801 of concern letter to him.
Separation Between Church and State
A religious minority based in Connecticut, the Danbury Baptists, were alarmed that their religious liberty was not as an “immutable right,” but was regarded as a privilege granted by the Connecticut legislature. Jefferson carefully responded but focused only on religious liberty on the national level.
His now famous letter included the phrase “wall of separation between church and state.” This phrase has since served as short-hand for the First Amendment’s “Establishment Clause” which forbids our government from passing any law “respecting an establishment of religion.”
This Establishment Clause forbids the government from establishing an “official” religion and from unduly favoring one religion over another. Any reference to God, per se, is a different issue.
Trust in Whom?
Religious sentiment heightened throughout the trying times of the U.S. Civil War, as hundreds of thousands of soldiers died. A groundswell developed for the U.S. government to acknowledge the deity, and as such the Secretary of the Treasury mandated that the words, “In God We Trust” would appear on various federal reserve notes and on all U.S. coinage.
“In God We Trust” became the official motto of the U.S. in 1956. Today, this phrase, and the praise “one nation under God” contained in the U.S. Pledge of Allegiance, endlessly rankles the Left. These words have been a long-term sore spot for them. Unceasingly, they seek to deny the existence of any sort of creator, let alone God. Further, they seek to ensure that no one else believes in God either.
For many individuals it is quite unfathomable, however, to believe that the vast universe sprang from nothing. No driving force was behind the Creation? For 13.5 billion years, the universe has expanded to more than 800 million galaxies, of which our own Milky Way is simply one of them. Was no creator involved?
Random? Unlikely
Monumental denial is essential to believe that all which exists is merely the unfolding a spontaneous event, which occurred at random. Still, ask a Lefty about Creation. You‘ll hear that either it doesn’t matter or that the universe has always existed. So, they say, why claim “God” had anything to do with it?
The contention that the universe has always existed, however, has been disproven on scientific grounds. Isaac Newton’s Laws of Thermodynamics reveal that the universe must have had a beginning. Based on his First Law of Thermodynamics, only a finite amount of energy exists in the universe.
Newton’s Second Law of Thermodynamics indicates that the amount of available energy in the universe is perpetually decreasing. If the universe has always existed, all available energy would have dissipated long before humankind arose on Earth.
Thus, the best scientific rationale for the existence of the universe is that a higher intelligence created it. Leftists prefer not to acknowledge physics; indeed it is characteristic of them to embrace the same doctrine as those committed to socialism and communism. They believe in no higher power.
Leftists maintain that the state is the be-all and end-all regarding the affairs of humankind. They hold that government grants rights to humankind: We should be thankful for our governing officials, and not the governing officials being thankful that “We the people” allow them to be in power.
No Words Will Do
What can you say to a mass political movement that denies the existence of God, eschews scientific principles, insists that only their views are the correct views, has no tolerance for debate, diminishes free speech for others, and, putting it kindly, thinks you’re a troglodyte?
Realistically, precious little can be said to such people.
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