More than 300 supposedly scientific article about COVID have been pulled from scientific journals because they are filled with false claims, errors, and a “lack of ethics.”
As “scientists” rushed to get their hands on COVID research money, the “follow the science” mongers apparently were more interested in filling their bank accounts than doing real science.
PerPJ Media:
A total of 330 COVID-related papers have been retracted thus far.
According to Gunnveig Grødeland, a senior researcher at the Institute of Immunology at the University of Oslo, many researchers took ethical shortcuts when writing their essays.
“It will, of course, be withdrawn when it is found that ethical guidelines have been breached,” Grødeland quipped to Khrono, an academic news publication.
Grødeland states that there were other reasons articles were pulled, including researchers using too small sample size and new media outlets being deceptive about what the papers actually concluded. Sometimes the data changed, and articles were later retracted.
The lion’s share of these articles was released in smaller publications, but the prestigious Lancet got nailed a few times as well.
Much of it was all lies aimed at making people fear COVID and to allow government to continue stealing away our freedoms for their authoritarian power grabs.
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