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Should state-of-the-art American defense missiles hasten, to shoot down incoming North Korean or Chinese missiles, the Soros-paid Left will be screaming US missiles are “racist” because they are white!  Enough said.

“Tis better to error on the side of preparedness.” Did Shakespeare say that? Well, if he didn’t, he should have. But civil defense preparations for a nuclear strike are not a joke. Indeed, We The People at this time should make it a priority!

Of course, for an individual line of defense, a potassium iodide tab each day, for 13 days, may be life saving! It’s good to have a bottle or two on hand. It protects your thyroid which is your Achilles’ heel in a nuclear attack.

With the unpredictability of a crazed North Korean dictator – and the ilk of dark allies who on impulse may assist his efforts – every American would do well – indeed, would do very well – to make the necessary preparations.

And, rather than reinvent the wheel, Vigileaks offers the following free PDF downloads for important insights on our current nuclear threat:

* Civil Defense Against Nuclear Attack: A Local Plan

* Civil Protection Against Chemical and Biological Warfare

* Psychological Effects of Nuclear War on Adults

* Psychological Impact of Nuclear War Threat on Adolescents

* Children’s Fear of Nuclear War

Yes, it is better to error on the side of preparedness. And if nothing happens, praise God! But as recorded world history reveals only 54 years without war on this planet, it could very well be inevitable!

Especially since the globalist agenda hasn’t changed, to get the US and Russia into a half-day nuclear war in the northern hemisphere, so these final two “rogue” nationalist nations will cancel themselves out. Will they succeed? North Korea appears the catalyst to get this underway…

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