Ted Cruz wants you to sign his birthday card. You can at http://support.tedcruz.org/birthday/. You even get to add your own personal message to him, which I expect there is a good chance he will actually read, with the presidential campaign over and his Senate re-election two years away. Plus, he ASKED for “birthday wishes”. (After you send them, he will ask for money.)
This is one of those rare opportunities to communicate with a U.S. Senator who is not in your state, where you might actually get heard. I urge you to make the most of it. Below is my message to him:
You are a great warrior for God. I want for you and for our nation a greater role for you in America’s leadership.
But your presidency now, with your commitment to fast-tracking Mark of the Beast technology and mandates through E-verify, would have destroyed us and brought God’s curse upon us. God couldn’t allow that, as long as He was hearing a few prayers for safety from that. PLEASE finally look at and heed what God says about HIS way to handle immigrants, at www.Saltshaker.US/HispanicHope/StrangerProject.pdf (information which I showed you several times while you were campaigning in Des Moines, IA.)
When you are ready to acknowledge that God’s solutions work better than man’s solutions, surely God will elevate you again.
I realize Trump also committed to a national E-verify mandate, but his positions seem much more malleable than yours, and his knowledge of how to make them happen, much less. With Trump, God has granted America a little more time to get its immigration facts straight before willful ignorance plunges us irrevocably over eternity’s cliff.
(This article was previously published at CafeConLecheRepublicans.)
Tags: Ted Cruz Trump
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