The dimwitted Democrat voters of New York are shocked — SHOCKED, I tell you — that the Democrat politicians they voted into office are making the illegal alien crisis worse.
I’ll bet you have your shocked face on, too.
A new Siena College poll found that Democrat voters in the Empire State are blaming Democrats for the migrant crisis.
First off, 52 percent agreed that the crisis is out of control.
As to direct questions on particular politicians, 51 percent said that Democrat NY Gov. Kathy Hochul is failing to deal with the crisis. Only 35 percent gave her favorable marks on her job on immigration.
Remember, this is a Democrat state that has about 25 Republican voters. So, most of those responding to this poll will be a Democrat.
New York City’s Democrat Mayor Eric Adams is also being savaged in this poll, though not as badly as Hochul.
For Adams, 47 percent said they disapprove of his handling of immigration. Only 31 percent said he is doing a good job.
On the national scene, New Yorkers seriously blasted Joe Biden. A whopping 59 percent said they disapprove of his job on immigration. Only 34 percent said he’s doing a good job.
“Democrats, Republicans, Independents, upstaters, downstate, city, suburban, they all agree that this influx is a problem,” said the poll’s author, Steven Greenberg.
I can’t stress enough that most of the voters in New York are Democrats. Only 22 percent of the state’s 13.1 million registered voters self-identify as a Republican.
Of course, all these morons voted for “sanctuary” status. So, they deserve what they get.
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