California Democrats are working to pass a bill to give so-called mental health officials to power to summarily take children away from parents if the officials think that kids are transgender.
The bill is one step closer to giving the fascist Democrat state custody of kids 12 years and older and to give the kids trans procedures without parental consent.
Daily Wire reported on AB 665 last week:
On Tuesday, lawmakers in the state’s Senate Judiciary Committee advanced Assembly Bill 665, which gives minors over the targeted age group authority to receive mental health services from counselors and therapists who could allegedly sign off on children checking into state-run youth shelters as long they provide evidence of serious physical or mental harm to themselves or others, or if they’re a victim of incest or child abuse.
Although the bill’s text does not explicitly contain language that changes the state’s child welfare system or removal processes, some Californians allege the law — authored by Democrats Assembly Member Wendy Carrillo and State Senator Scott Wiener — indicates “parental separation and emancipation of minors.”
“The authors want to change the law to let a 12-year-old opt out of their home on a whim, invoking parental separation and emancipation of minors without any claim of danger or parental consent,” Nicole Pearson, an attorney, said in her testimony against the bill, according to The Washington Free Beacon. “This is child emancipation.”
This is just one more step in the Democrat effort to destroy the American family.
Democrats despise parents because parents stand in the way of their full control of our children.
You see, Democrats know that their radical, anti-American, anti-child, groomer agenda will not float with adults. They know that they need to corrupt children from the earliest ages to force them to accept their dangerous ideas.
And the best way to do that is to remove from the picture parents who might teach children other things.
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