By Michael Bresciani,
As the 2024 Election season approaches, polls abound. Putting the concerns of most Americans in order looms large in the scheme of things. Most polls show us that we are more concerned about the economy. After that, the integrity of the election, failing schools, and a plethora of other woes seem to be on our minds.
It is easy enough to say there is nothing new here, every elections since the days of George Washington made the economic welfare of the nation the key to getting elected. But there is an entirely new element to deal with in the 2024 election. The plunge into socialist policies and the moral decline of the nation scream back at us, and if our hearing is not impaired, this is what it says.
Turn this thing around or, there won’t be many more free elections of any kind in the once grandest of all nations.
God makes no exceptions – even for exceptional nations!
Over 40 years past, this writer was impressed by God to warn anyone who would listen, that a difficult time is headed toward America. In the last twenty years I have published warnings on our American Prophet website at various times.
One of the most recent warnings were in a very well-read article entitled, “Prophecy 2022 – Abortions, Tortured Animals, Gender Confusion and Fear of Pandemics Do Not Make for a Bright Future.”
This impression was given to me during an economic boom time and most people reacted with doubt and skepticism. I didn’t mind that because, it was the last words God impressed upon me that weighed the heaviest on my heart.
The warning was appendaged with the declaration that not many would believe it, respond to it, or make any preparation to fend it off.
Perhaps they did not want to face it because they would have to amend their ways (repent) of their rapid decline into immorality and perversion.
With the most dishonest administration in American history occupying the White House coupled with the deepest moral decline in history, aided by the rise of the LGBTQ and the strong disregard for the proper education, safety and future of our own children the die is cast.
There are few options left, and time is running out. If we stay on the present path in our politics and the decline of the church and faith, God will do what he must. We will not be the exception. No other nation in history has crossed this far beyond the mark and survived.
The very fact that we are and have been so exceptional, is what makes us so vulnerable. It can be understood by the wisdom found in the following verse of Scripture.
“…For unto whomsoever much is given, of him shall be much required: and to whom men have committed much, of him they will ask the more.” (Lu 12:48b)
As an epic Disney fairy tale, along comes the Biden economy
Even as Joe Biden tells Americans his “Bidenomics” is working, gas prices, mortgage rates, food, and energy costs are soaring. Biden can’t see what is directly in front of him, how could he predict the future for the country? But we do not always need a prophet to see what is ahead.
Not all prognosticators are prophets.
Michael Snyder of the Economic Collapse Blog recently reported that the man who predicted the financial crisis of 2008, Michael Burry, has set aside 1.6 billion dollars on a bet that the stock market is about to crash.
Whether you believe a prophet, or a man who literally fulfilled the adage about, putting your money where your mouth is, the future looks very shaky.
Any takers on that bet?
The world’s last and worst dictator will be an economist – don’t bet against that!
According to the most important prophecies in the entire Bible, the last world ruler will be someone who by the direct power of Satan will whip the worlds economy together using technology and cunning. (Rev 13)
He will bring up third world nations and bring the first world nations down to a level playing field all across the globe. He has only a short time to bring this all together. His hidden purpose is to exalt himself to the place of supreme ruler, even supreme deity. With his finger on the financial pulse of the entire world you will play, or you will pay.
The security, or the feeling of safety that comes with his happy one world economy, is short lived.
What follows is more confusion than this world has ever known or imagined. Once he ties up the wealth of the entire world, death and hell follows.
“And except those days should be shortened, there should no flesh be saved: but for the elect’s sake those days shall be shortened.” (Mt 24:22)
An Open Letter To Joe Biden: The American People Are Absolutely Sick And Tired Of “Bidenomics”
Bidenomics Is Making Poverty Great Again
Michael Bresciani
Photo: NY Post
To read more articles by Michael Bresciani click here.
Michael Bresciani is the editor of and archive since 2005. The website features the articles and reports of Bresciani along with some of America’s best writers and journalists. Millions have read his timely reports and articles in online journals and print publications across the nation and the globe. Visit us at GAB, Spreely, USA.Life, Friendscircuit, Twitter and Facebook.
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