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When its program seeking to put spies in Catholic churches was revealed earlier this year, the FBI claimed that it was an outlier program that was never really implemented. Now we know the FBI was lying and that they had a LOT more than just that one program targeting Christians that they characterized as “domestic terrorists.”

The FBI is not a “law enforcement” agency. It is the Democrat’s Stasi, a state police that is determined to push the left-wing, Democrat agenda and to take down any American who disagrees. And it especially hates Christians because they don’t need the government.

A Freedom of Information Request Act request filed by the American Center for Law and Justice (ACLJ) recently uncovered more than 1,200 pages of documents in which the FBI was targeting “radical traditionalist Christians.”

According to ACLJ:

Some of our specific requests are reproduced below:

1) All records of communications between or including the FBI’s Director, Deputy Director, Chief of Staff, General Counsel, or any of their senior staff or assistants, or of any other FBI official of a GS-13 or appointee level or higher personnel (including forwarded email messages or CC or BCC email messages), about pro-life people OR Catholicism (including adherents of Catholicism) OR Christianity (including adherents of Christianity) – all in the context of analysis, threat assessment, domestic terrorism, or the monitoring of such people.

2) All records of briefings or communications between or including the FBI’s Director, Deputy Director, Chief of Staff, General Counsel, or any of their senior staff or assistants, or of any other FBI official of a GS-13 or appointee level or higher personnel (including forwarded email messages or CC or BCC email messages), that mention the Supreme Court’s decision in the case of Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization, No. 19-1392, 597 U.S. __ (2022).

3) All records of communications between or including the FBI Richmond field office personnel, including analysists, senior staff or assistants, or of any other FBI official of a GS-13 or appointee level or higher (including forwarded email messages or CC or BCC email messages), about the memo described in the “Background” section above.

4) All records of communications between or including the FBI Richmond field office personnel, including analysists, senior staff or assistants, or of any other FBI official of a GS-13 or appointee level or higher (including forwarded email messages or CC or BCC email messages), about pro-life people OR Catholicism (including adherents of Catholicism) OR Christianity (including adherents of Christianity) – in the context of analysis, threat assessment, domestic terrorism, or the monitoring of such people.

The group added:

The Biden FBI has just informed the ACLJ and a federal judge that it has found at least 1,200 pages of “potentially responsive documents” to our FOIA and needs more time to continue further searches. This begs the question: What in the world is the FBI doing with 1,200 pages of documents related to the targeting of Christians?

The Joint Status Report filed in federal court this week states, in relevant part: “[T]he FBI represented to [the ACLJ] that, thus far, it has identified 1,200 pages of potentially responsive documents.” (This is important because the FBI told the court this information and cannot change its statement without admitting that it misrepresented something to the court.)

Two questions immediately come to mind about the pages: (1) Why is the FBI surveilling churches at all? (2) And do they have more?

Like the Democrat Party, the FBI is an enemy to the United States of America.

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Warner Todd Huston

Warner Todd Huston has been writing editorials and news since 2001 but started his writing career penning articles about U.S. history back in the early 1990s. Huston has appeared on Fox News, Fox Business Network, CNN, and several local Chicago News programs to discuss the issues of the day. Additionally, he is a regular guest on radio programs from coast to coast. Huston has also been a Breitbart News contributor since 2009. Warner works out of the Chicago area, a place he calls a "target rich environment" for political news.


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