The last nine days has revealed the inner workings of Hillary Clinton’s campaign and mind – what’s been found hasn’t been pretty or American. Instead what has been seen through the Wikileaks revelations has been incredible details of illegalities, immorality, and treason against the American people. It’s difficult to digest all of the details and with that in mind, through the first 8 days of Wikileaks revelations, the following are 13 of the most relevant emails from Hillary Clinton which show acts of treason.
13 Acts of Treason against the Citizens of the United States
Tags: 2016 election Donald Trump Hillary ClintonQatar gifts Bill Clinton $1,000,000 for his birthday: Sheikh won’t donate money to Clinton Foundation unless he receives a phone call from Bill Clinton. Staff responds: Bill won’t do it “unless Sheikh Mo has sent us a $6 million check”: Deal (which Hillary negotiated and defends) “condemns the next generation to cleaning up a nuclear war in the Persian Gulf”. John Podesta responds with “Yup”: campaign chairman John Podesta owned 75,000 shares in Putin-connected energy company: from Hillary Clinton’s lucrative closed-door paid speeches delivered to elite financial firms and other special interests groups (which she has refused and failed to disclose to the public after much demand) have finally surfaced: (See Attachment)Clinton staff conspiring to stage ‘leaking’ of favorable excerpts from wall street speech, in efforts to calm down the public while leaving out more damaging parts: private speech, Clinton: “You Need Both A Public And A Private Position” private speech, Clinton: “My dream is a hemispheric common market, with
open trade and open borders”: private speech transcript shows Clinton’s warm ties to Wall Street’s most powerful figures: Clinton: “There is such a bias against people who have led successful and/or complicated lives” The pressure on officials to sell or divest assets in order to serve, she added, had become “very onerous and unnecessary”: private speech to Goldman Sachs, Clinton: “Wall Street was only accountable for the financial crisis for political reasons. The blame placed on the United States banking system for the crisis “could have been avoided in terms of both misunderstanding and really politicizing what happened”: private speech, Clinton: US will “ring China with missile defense” and has right to rename Pacific Ocean the “American Sea”: (See attachment)Hillary Clinton flipped her public position on TPP after her team discussed how she would be “eaten alive” by Labor: speechwriter: “We are trying to find a good way to leak her opposition to the pipeline without her having to actually say it”:
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