A hate-filled, woke professor at Florida’s Polk State College has reportedly failed a student because the student would not renounce her Christian religion.
Humanities Professor Lance “Lj” Russum is accused of giving a student a “zero” grade for daring to treat Christianity as a serious philosophy. The faux educator gave a 16-year-old student a zero because the student did not “conform to his personal worldviews of Marxism, Atheism, Feminism, and homosexuality,” according to the Liberty Counsel.
Professor Russum claims that Christianity is a “myth” crafted to fool the masses — you know, like Karl Marx always claimed.
Despite the professor’s hatred for Christians, though, the student refused to accept the professor’s claims, and wrote that “it is a logical fallacy to make the assumption that Christian humanism’s goal was to ‘blend mythologies and make man the center’ simply on account of Michelangelo’s artwork or because Renaissance artists incorporate classicism.”
In another assignment upon which the professor gave the student a big fat zero, Russum told students to agree fully with the statement that Martin Luther was a “humanist” and then wrote a paper exploring that humanism. The prof. added in his instructions, “WHAT YOU MUST NOT WRITE ABOUT: 1. This is NOT about Luther’s theology.”
The student, though, thought it was idiotic to strip Martin Luther of his religious ideals and then pretend he was some sort of secular humanist. And the student was 100 percent right. Martin Luther ONLY came to fame BECAUSE of his religious ideals. PERIOD.
In other assignments, the professor insisted that students write about how Christianity is only for men, and how it discriminates against everyone but white men and other assignments that cast Christians as bigots, haters, and murderers.
Liberty Counsel also discovered that Russum’s Facebook page was filled with hate for religion before he deleted it.
It’s all just another case of a scumbag Marxist getting paid to teach hate for America to our students.
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